
Friday, 1 November 2024 

All Saints Day is when Catholics remember all those who have lived really good lives and have died and gone to Heaven. Some of these people have been given the title ‘Saint’ by the Church, and their own special Feast Day in the Church’s calendar like St Joseph, St Francis of Assisi or St Mary of the Cross Mackillop. But anyone who has gone to Heaven is a saint, and All Saints Day is a day where we remember that we are all called to be saints.


Dear Father


You have given the saints in heaven eternal happiness and they now live in the fullness of your glory.


Because of their holy love for you, they also care about us, our family, our friends, our church, and our neighbours.


Thank you for the gift of their friendship and the witness of their holy lives.


We ask our patron saints and every saint who has become especially dear to us to intercede for us.


We ask them to help us journey safely on the narrow path that leads to heaven.


O Lord, give us their protection.


Grant us their assistance in overcoming temptation and gaining the fullness of life with you.

