Kharisma Kids OSHC

Welcome to a New Year at OSHC!
We hope everyone has had a wonderful start to the school year. This is our first official newsletter for the year as we have started off 2025 running with our feet hardly touching the floor. We have lots to share, including a recap of our January Vacation Care, an important update on our Assessment and Rating process, information on our new preps settling in, and a reminder about upcoming bookings.
January Vacation Care – A Fun Start to the Year!
Our January Vacation Care was a lot of fun! Children enjoyed a fantastic lineup of activities, including our McDonald’s Lunch & Crafty Fun Day, Slime & Bubble Fun, Movie Day, and exciting excursions like 10 Pin Bowling and Carnival Day. We loved seeing so many happy faces, creativity, and teamwork throughout the program. Thank you to all families for your support in making this holiday period a memorable one!
Assessment & Rating Process
This is an important process conducted by ACECQA (Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority) to ensure we are meeting the National Quality Standards (NQS).
Each and every Approved Childcare service Australia wide must meet certain criteria to retain funding from the Federal Government which in turn allows them to offer ChildCare subsidies to keep fees affordable for Australian families. During the January Vacation Care we had a spot check from an Authorised Officer from the Department of Education who performed a compliance check. Reports are made and given to services on their compliance/noncompliance and anything that is needing to be addressed is given a time frame to be implemented or fixed.
Following that visit we received an email from the Department asking that we submit our QIP (Quality Improvement Plan) as well as a large quantity of documentation required under law. Ie policies and procedures, risk assessments, staff records, qualifications and so on.
Once this was submitted, an Authorised Officer (Mirelle) held a two-hour meeting with both Lucas and Rob to discusses and question the Children’s program, Programming, Planning, Staffing, Community Engagement, plans and planning for the future, working within the school environment.
Following that, we then had our Assessment and Rating visit on February 12th. Mirelle (assessor) observed our program, interactions, and environment to evaluate the quality of care and education we provide. We are proud of the high standards at our OSHC service and appreciate your continued support. For more details on the process, visit ACECQA’s website.
Welcome, Preps!
A big welcome to all our new prep students starting in OSHC this term! We understand that this transition can be both exciting and a little overwhelming.
Our educators are here to support your child’s adjustment by providing a warm and nurturing environment, fun activities, and gentle routines.
If you have any questions about your child’s transition, please don’t hesitate to speak to one of our educators.
Bookings Now Open – Student Free Day (Friday, March 7th)
Mark your calendars! Friday, March 7th is a Student Free Day, and OSHC will be running a full-day program. Bookings are essential to ensure we have the right staff-to-child ratios and engaging activities planned. Spaces fill up quickly, so please secure your child’s spot as soon as possible.
- Hats are compulsory – Please ensure your child brings a SunSmart hat every day.
- Label belongings – To avoid lost items, please label hats, lunchboxes, and drink bottles.
- Stay connected – Follow our updates at the OSHC sign-in area or reach out via email for any queries.
We’re looking forward to another fantastic month at OSHC! Thank you for being part of our community and for your ongoing support.
Best regards
Rob, Lucas, Marlene
0411 295 273
The Kharisma Kids Team