Learning and Teaching

Learning Space 3 Juniors
Junior students have been exploring the beauty of God's Creation, reflecting on the wonders they love most in nature. After listening to The Creation Story, they expressed their thoughts through vibrant drawings, each highlighting a special part of the environment. Some were inspired by the ocean and its fascinating sea creatures, while others focused on the sun, planet Earth, and the world around us. It’s been a wonderful journey of creativity and gratitude for the natural world.
Imogene/Rebecca and Nuri
LS3 Junior Team
Jubilee Mass Celebration and Andrew Chinn Concert
On Wednesday the 19th of February, 2025. St Francis de Sales joined with St Kevin’s Primary School at our Parish Church to mark the beginning of the Jubilee school year Mass.
We celebrated the Jubilee theme of “Pilgrims of Hope” and Father Fabian spoke about our call to be pilgrims and made connections about journeys of faith and travel. Staff of both school's were commissioned at this Mass.
We were generously welcomed by the students of St Kevin’s to their school. Together we explored our School Saints (St Francis de Sales and St Kevin). The students enjoyed the day making new connections.
One massive highlight of the day was our concert with Andrew Chinn, where the students VERY enthusiastically sang his Jubilee song “Pilgrims of Hope”. Andrew Chinn was very impressed with our children's active engagement ithroughout the concert. On return students were excited to share highlights from the day!
The students consistently exhibit outstanding listening abilities and a high level of motivation throughout their sports. It’s great to see the Grade 5’s exhibit great listening skills. The Grade 6’s exhibit great leadership behaviour towards the Grade 5’s. Their enthusiasm has had a beneficial effect on both their fellow students and us as coaches.
The schools we are playing, dates and locations for these events are as follows:
- Friday March 21st, Kilberry Primary School - Away Game.
- Friday March 28th, Lynbrook Primary School - Away Game.
- Friday May 2nd, Lyndhurst Primary School - Home Game.
- Friday May 16th, Rivergum Primary School - Home Game.
- Friday May 23rd, St Kevins Primary School - Home Game.
- Friday June 6th, Coral Park Primary School - Away Game.
- Tuesday June 17th, Winter Lightning Premiership
Venues for each sport are as follows for Lightning Premiership:
- Soccer - Livingston Reserve
- AFL 9’s - Livingston Reserve
- Netball - Casey Stadium
- Volleystars - Casey Stadium
- Teeball - Casey Fields- Oval 3 (behind the Athletics Track)
For away matches and the Lightning Premiership students will travel to and from the venue via chartered bus with staff members attending.
The Grade 6’s for their first lesson was spend at school, initially we went over what is expected when we are riding out of school, for example, listening to instructions, appropriate distances between bicycles ahead and behind, safety aspects (shoelaces, other pedestrians, the speed at corners). Also, how to navigate when approaching certain signs, Give Way, Stop and Roundabouts. The students will be reviewing how to communicate with each other and the teacher when riding so that everyone is safe. Hopefully, the students are confident enough to build their confidence in their understanding of what to anticipate while riding their bikes.
Parents an Operoo form has been posted for you to give permission. Please ensure your child’s profile is also up to date. Like last year, you will also need to complete and sign a bike and helmet safety check and return it to your child’s Home Group teacher.
Students will need to bring their bikes and helmets to school next Friday 28th February. Students can leave their bikes outside their Learning Space. If students need to leave their bicycles at school for the duration of the program they can remain locked up in the bike shed.
Lulli Barbakos
Physical Education Teacher
Thursday March 6th, 2025
5.30 pm – 8.00 pm
Our annual Twilight Sports will be held on Thursday March 6th from 5:30 pm to 8 pm on the school grounds. This has proven to be a fantastic community event mainly due to the fact that most students attend. In fact this year we will be giving points to the students who attend that will go towards the House Community Spirit Award at the end of the year. So just by attending students will receive points for their House!
Home Group Teachers should have informed new students, including Foundation students of the House they belong to. If you have any queries about Houses please contact your Home Group Teacher.
Students will be required to wear their sports uniform on the night as they will be running, but we hope that they will wear a t-shirt that is in their house colour and wear other accessories such as hats, scarves… in their house colour.
Teresa House - Blue
MacKillop House – Yellow
Bosco House – Red
Patrick House – Green
Students will be sitting with their houses under their house marques, supervised by staff. We ask that for the safety of students, parents do not come over to the marques side. We also ask that parents do not collect their children early as staff are busy organising the students. All students will be dismissed at the end of the night, when we ask parents to come and collect their child.
Students that come 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th will be awarded points for their House and we will also be giving out points to the House who supports their competitors the most. A presentation will be held at the end, to announce the House winners for the house sports award and the house spirit award. The Grade 6 Gift will also be presented to the fastest Grade 6.
Parents & Friends will be supplying a free sausage to all students on the night which we are very thankful for. Please ensure you complete the form that is sent home and return to school so your child doesn’t miss out. Parents & Friends will also be selling sausages and drinks on the evening so please bring your change.
We hope to have parent and toddler races as well! And this year those who come 1st – 4th can also earn points for their child’s House.
Parents will be asked to sit on the school side of the track across from where students are sitting in their Houses.
Please ensure you have given permission via Operoo for your child to attend and ensure their medical profile is up to date.
If any parents are able to assist putting up the marquees at 2.30 pm Thursday afternoon, please come and join us on the oval. We will also need assistance at the end of the evening packing up the marquees. Your assistance will be greatly appreciate
It was a fantastic experience having Hockey Victoria attend our school today as part of their roadshow program. Our students learnt the skills of hockey through exciting game-based activities in an engaging, fun and safe environment. While the roadshow is over, students can continue their hockey journey by joining a local Hookin2Hockey program at www.hookin2hockey.com.au.
With programs starting soon now is the perfect chance to get out on the pitch. Hookin2Hockey will allow children to expand on the skills they recently learnt at school, develop fundamental motor skills while making friends and having fun!
We are excited to let you know that we have received Sporting Schools Funding once again for Term 1. We have organised Athletics through DS Sports. Clinics will begin in Week 6 and we ask parents to please acknowledge on Operoo.
We would like to thank Tyler, The Participation Coordinator for South Eastern AFL for once again organising free AFL Clinics for us. The Operoo notification has already been sent out with details about when your child’s home group will have their clinic.
This week LS2 Juniors and Seniors RJ and ½ RS had their clinic on Monday 17th February.
The students had a great time with the AFL coach and this is a great taster for the girls thinking of attending the FREE after school Come and Play Girls Clinic. Please see the flyer below or in Operoo if you would like to register your daughter for this great opportunity.
Tyler has also organised a FREE after school Come and Play Girls AFL Clinic on Wednesday 12th March. Further details can be found in the Operoo notification already sent out. If you would like your daughter to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity please scan the QR code on the flyer below and register your daughter. There is no cost for the clinic,
Tyler will also come out during lunchtimes on Monday 24th February to run lunchtime activities for Junior girls during 1st lunch and Senior girls during 2nd lunch to try out AFL before the after school session.
The Melbourne Storm tickets were handed out to families on Wednesday/Thursday. We hope families have a great time at the game on Sunday.
Once again a big thanks to Ali Tuai, the Game Development Officer for NRL for the 100 free tickets to the Storm Game being played at Casey Fields, Cranbourne.
The game is scheduled for Sunday 23rd February and the Storm U19 and U21 will be playing as well as U17 Girls before the Storm run out at 5pm.
We have been offered a great opportunity for an extra curricular activity through the Victorian Responsible Pet Ownership Program. Educators will be visiting our school to provide a lesson for our Seniors on Monday February 24th and Juniors on Friday February 28th.
The Responsible Pet Ownership (RPO) program educates children from ages 4 to 12 on:
- living safely with dogs
- responsible pet ownership.
Senior students will be involved in a 50 minute lesson where they will complete a variety of activities. Junior students will be involved in a 40 minute lesson. Both may get the opportunity to meet and interact with an education dog.
Parents please acknowledge the incursion on Operoo.
On the last day of term, which will be Friday April 4th, the whole school will be involved in our traditional Cross Country which will be held at school. We will be looking for the winning House as well as the winners for each level in the Juniors and age group in the Seniors. We will also be identifying the Senior students who will qualify to attend District Cross Country in Term 2.
Please save the date so you can come and support your child. We will also be asking for parent assistance on the day. Remember to assist, you must have a current Working with Children Check registered with the school office.
Extra-Curricular Coordinator