
Every Day Counts: The Importance of School Attendance

At Saltwater P-9 College, we believe that every day of learning matters. Regular school attendance is the foundation for academic success, social development, and future opportunities. Research has shown that students who attend school regularly are more likely to perform well in literacy and numeracy, develop strong social connections, and build positive lifelong habits.


Why Attendance Matters

Each school day provides valuable learning experiences that cannot be replaced. Students who are present every day have the best chance to engage with teachers, participate in hands-on learning, and develop critical thinking skills. Missing school regularly—even just a few days each term—can lead to gaps in learning that make it harder to catch up, affecting performance in later years. Attendance patterns established in primary school often continue into high school and beyond.

Understanding Absences While we recognise that there are valid reasons for students to be absent, such as illness, it is important to minimize unnecessary absences. Taking holidays during term time, casual days off, or frequent unexplained absences can add up quickly and impact a child’s education. There is no ‘safe’ number of days to miss school—every day a student is away is a lost opportunity for learning.


Encouraging Positive Attendance Habits

Parents play a crucial role in promoting regular attendance. Here are some practical ways to support your child:

  • Set a consistent morning routine to ensure they arrive at school on time.

  • Schedule medical appointments outside of school hours where possible.

  • Talk to your child about the importance of attending school every day.

  • Keep open communication with teachers if there are concerns about your child’s attendance.

  • Seek support from the school if your child experiences anxiety about attending.

Addressing Attendance Challenges Sometimes, children may be reluctant to go to school due to anxiety, friendship issues, or academic struggles. If your child is having difficulty attending school, we encourage you to reach out to the school’s wellbeing team. Early intervention and support can make a significant difference in ensuring a positive school experience.


The Long-Term Impact

Regular attendance isn’t just about meeting a requirement—it shapes a child’s future. Students who attend school consistently are more likely to develop resilience, achieve academic success, and build skills necessary for future employment and life commitments.

At Saltwater P-9 College, we are committed to working in partnership with families to support student attendance. Together, we can ensure that every student has the best opportunity to succeed. Remember, every day counts!


A Quick Note

Please note that we are no longer able to take attendance notifications from SchoolBox as we no longer use this platform. Our IT department is currently working on a way to remove this feature from our Saltwater Application. In the meantime, please download the Xuno Parents application if you wish to log an absence instead.


Thank you,

Brent Syme

Assistant Principal