Year Five 

Hello Year Five Parent/Carers,


It has been wonderful watching the Year Five cohort’s smooth transition into 2025. Here is a little snippet of some of the things they are excited about this year!

Students are continuing to participate in the First 20 Days of School program, which Saltwater College runs each year. The Year Five’s have been working hard with teachers to develop Essential Agreements and building supportive relationships that radiate positivity and unification within their classes. Thank you for your support so far and we look forward to strengthening our connection to families as we move forward.


In Reading, the Year Five’s have begun exploring the differences between digital and printed reading material. With the advancements in technology, they discussed the advantages of both and how they can be used to complement each other. To prepare for NAPLAN, the Year Five’s called upon their prior knowledge of the QAR strategy- ‘Question, Answer and Relationship’. They practised reading a variety of texts and answering different types of questions that required locating information, but also making connections beyond the text itself. 


This week in Writing, Students investigated different writing genres and the key features that define them. The Year Five’s mainly focused on persuasive and narrative writing, as these are the two genres that students will face in NAPLAN. They worked towards unpacking the purpose and structure of a text and the importance of revising and editing their work to make it more interesting. 


In Mathematics, the Year Five’s unpacked a variety of strategies, such as partitioning and rearranging, to solve addition and subtraction problems. Students explored the notion of equivalence and applied this by finding unknown quantities. The Year Five’s used this explicit teaching and practise at the start of the week, by transferring their learning to solve NAPLAN-style worded questions towards the end of the week.


Important Dates

  • Parent Information Night: Tuesday 18th February - 5:30pm-6:30pm

  • NAPLAN: 12th March - 24th March

Important Reminders:

  • On PE days and Fridays, students are permitted to wear their sports uniform. Students must be in their full academic uniform on the other days. 

  • Hats are compulsory during Term One and Term Four when outdoors. Only bucket hats are permitted as part of our SunSmart policy. 

  • Our school day commences at 8:30am and students will be welcomed into the classroom each day from 8.20am, which will give them time to prepare for their day ahead. Any student who arrives after 8.40am must sign in at the office and obtain a late pass.  

  • Student absences must be marked on XUNO as soon as possible by a parent or carer. 

  • Please ensure your students get in the habit of charging their laptops overnight so they are ready to be used for learning during the school day.