Year Four


What an amazing start to the year with all Year Four students settling in well, building new relationships and strengthening friendships. Students and teachers have adjusted well to the three timetables and are co-constructing routines and classroom practices to ensure a smooth year ahead.


Group 1 swimmers have been enthusiastically developing their skills in the pool and have been principled each day as they represent the college with pride at Saltwater Swim School. Group 2 swimmers will commence in Week 5 Monday 24th February


Growth Mindset

The Year Four's are developing their mindsets in how they can approach challenging learning opportunities by changing the way they approach their thinking towards learning, by  creating positive statements and understanding the Learning Pit.

Students have been discussing goal setting and what is involved in achieving success. They are developing the understanding that it takes dedication, feedback, practise, small steps, strategies, believing in one's self, seeking support, focus and enthusiasm, to reach our goals.


Students have been engaging in various activities and learning opportunities including reading mentor texts and viewing videos to identify, understand and express emotions. Through exploring the Zones of Regulation, the students have created Ready to Learn Plans by developing individual strategies to assist in regulating their emotions and feelings as well as understanding others in different zones and how they can be supportive to help them get back into the 'green' zone.

Parent Information Night 

Our Year Four Parent Information Night was a great success, with many families attending to learn more about Saltwater College's expectations and key dates for the year. The evening featured a brief overview of the curriculum, as well as information on Literacy, Mathematics, and Wellbeing practices designed to foster engagement and strengthen relationships. 


We were also fortunate to have John Hendry, our Relationships Consultant, visit classrooms to speak about Relationship-Based Education. His insights highlighted the crucial role parents play in shaping their child’s education, health, and overall well-being. 


If you were unable to attend the Information Night,  a copy of the presentation will be available shortly for you to view. Thank you to all the families who attended and took the opportunity to meet their child’s classroom teacher.



  • As part of our Sun Smart Policy, students are required to wear their hats during Term 1 when outdoors. Please ensure that their name is clearly visible on the hat so it can be easily returned if misplaced.

  • As the Year Four cohort's MacBooks are nearly all configured, please make sure that students bring their fully charged device to school each day. Due to OHS regulations, we are unable to charge student MacBooks at school.

  • Continuous entry begins at 8:20 am, allowing students to prepare for the first session, which starts promptly at 8:30 am. Late passes can be obtained from the office after this time.

  • Student absences must be reported on XUNO by a parent or carer as soon as possible. Please note that Schoolbox is no longer available for reporting absences.

Thank you to families who have completed the following forms. If you haven't already, please ensure complete the forms by accessing XUNO:

- ICT Fair Use Agreement 

- Local Excursion Form 

- Photo Permission Form 


Kind Regards and Have a Fabulous Week! 

The Year Four Teaching Team