Year Two

Dear Year 2 Families,

The Grade 2 students have continued to settle into the new school year well. They have spent the last fortnight completing their first 20 days of school program. Students have explored ways they can be principled, caring and courageous learners and used this to help establish their classroom essential agreements which outline their collective expectations of how their classrooms should look, feel and sound to be safe, calm and effective places to learn.


Students have spent time getting to know one and other through activities designed to help them bond and explore the concept of a growth mindset. They also spent time getting to know and explore Google Classroom, which will be used often throughout the school year.



In Reading, students have revisited the structure and expectations around a reading lesson. They engaged in activities designed to share their interests and build familiarity with their classroom libraries. They have contributed ideas of how their class could contribute to the organisation and maintenance of their classroom libraries and began to take ownership by implementing some of these changes, e.g. organising books by genre, requesting seating and making posters.



In Writing, students have revisited the concept of a Good Writer and reflected on the importance of handwriting conventions. Students engaged in writing activities such as recounts. All Grade 2 students spent time drafting and creating a letter to invite parents and carers to the Grade 2 parent information evening, which they were really looking forward to sharing with you.



In Mathematics, student revisited the two lesson structures that we use at Saltwater P-9 College. They have established an understanding of the differences between an explicit lesson and an LED lesson. Student also begun exploring the concept of number through the lens of patters. 


Important Dates:

  • Grade 2 Parent Information Eventing: Monday 17th of February

  • School Photos: Week 5 (Times TBD)


  • Hats are to be worn from August to April. Please ensure your child's name is in their hat. Please ensure you put sunscreen on before coming to school.

  • If you have not brought in your stationery pack, please do so at your earliest convenience.

  • iPads should be fully charged and brought to school each day

Kind Regards 

Year 2 Teaching Team