2024 Local Community Support Services

Andre Campbell

2025 Local Community Support Services- 

DHhS Relief Gants 


For people experiencing financial difficulty you may be eligible to apply for the DFFH Relief Grant. 


The amount of the grant is based on the amount you owe at the time of application. It is also based on the reasons you have given for applying in your application form.


You can receive a maximum of $650 on each utility type in a two-year period (or $1,300 for households with a single source of energy (for example, electricity only).

You must show that you have no way of paying the account without assistance, and you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • You or someone in your house has experienced family violence.

  • You have had a recent decrease in income, for example, lost your job

  • You have had high unexpected costs for essential items

  • The cost of shelter is more than 30% of your household income.

You can apply for separate grants for each utility (electricity, gas and water)

  • Phone your electricity, gas or water retailer to request an application.

  • Your retailer will ask you some preliminary questions before starting your application.

  • The application can be completed online, or your retailer will post you a paper form to complete. A friend, support worker or financial counsellor can help you complete the application.

To access the non-utility relief grant (fire wood and bottled gas) please call 1800 658 521.  This grant may cover up to $650.00 per utility. 


What you need to know before completing your application-

The $250 Power Saving Bonus for Pensioner/DVA Concession Card holders and Job Seeker, Youth Allowance, Austudy, and Abstudy recipients, is now available.  Before submitting an application for the bonus, please read the eligibility requirements. If you would like to claim the Power Saving Bonus please call 1800 830 029

Or, you can make a claim online at-

Power Saving Bonus https://compare.energy.vic.gov.au/



Eligibility requirements

You must be a Victorian residential energy consumer (i.e. have a residential electricity account)

You must be receiving payments under one of the following concession programs:

  • Centrelink Pensioner Concession
  • Job Seeker, Youth Allowance, Austudy or Abstudy
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession
  • Or hold a Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card




COVID-19 Disaster Payment for people affected by restrictions.  The Australian Government has provided a COVID-19 Disaster Payment to help people affected by COVID-19 restrictions.


The new payment will help Victorian workers who are unable to earn income due to the current lockdown restrictions.  You can claim this payment using your Centrelink online account through myGov.


You must meet all of the following:

  • be an Australian resident, permanent resident or eligible working visa holder
  • live or work in a Commonwealth declared hotspot
  • be unable to work and earn income as a result of a state lockdown
  • be where the lockdown is for more than 7 days
  • have liquid assets of $10,000 or less

Community relief and support agencies




CIRE at the Yarra Junction hub, have food parcels for people looking for food relief and they have free bread on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. The Yarra Junction hub is open during lockdown for essential services only; food relief and they are a Centrelink Access Point. This service is accessed by appointment where the school Welfare Team can refer families. If you are interested or know of anyone you would like to recommend please contact me.

Mustard Tree located opposite Bunnings hardware in Lilydale.

Their foodbank service is operating from Monday to Friday 10am-2pm. Please call 97353500 to book an appointment



3/28 John Street, Lilydale, Victoria 3140 Phone 03 9735 3500

Mon-Thursday 10am-2pm

Please visit the Mustard Tree Face Book page for up to date information and bargains!  https://www.facebook.com/mustardtree.opshop/

Food Bank (office beside the OP shop) 


LinC Yarra Valley community volunteers work to support welfare programs in community.  The programs are supported by Second Bite, Aldi (Seville), Sanders Apples, Village Greens, Three Sugars Café (Warburton) and many other local businesses. They assist people in crisis of many types by referring them within our network and to other local agencies.  


LinC Yarra Valley will help anyone that needs some extra support.  You might know someone who is experiencing a health crisis, loss of a job, injury at work, low income, challenges as a single parent, grief and loss, the death of a loved one, family stresses, financial stresses, mental health concerns, addictions, a disability, or an unexpected expense while living on the pension.


Call 0472 644 476 for assistance between 10am -1pm each Monday and Tuesday.  Please leave a message or text outside these hours.


LinC accept enquiries for TRANSPORT that include medical, pharmaceutical and grocery trips.   For bookings please leave a message by calling 5967 2119 including your contact details and your transport request and staff will return your call. For EMERGENCY RELIEF & material aid support staff are available for calling the following mobile number every Monday and Tuesday between 10am and 1pm - 0472 644 476.  Please call and leave a message outside opening hours. LinC Yarra Valley/Second Bite fresh food programs have home deliveries are available for people in need over 70 years of age and those with underlying health issues.  Please call Julie on 0455 268 457 by Thursday for this week's delivery.  


Go to the website for more details_ https://www.lincyarravalley.org.au/

or email-linc.yarravalley@gmail.com

Local church’s in partnership with LinC, help to deliver free food program called Second Bite.   Every Friday and Sunday fresh food is available to those in need to help everyone have the opportunity to access fresh ingredients to prepare healthy meals. Everyone is welcome, you don’t need to have a health care card. Please bring your own bags.


Millgrove Baptist Church, 4 Cavanagh Road, Millgrove Fridays 11:00am 

(Tickets from 10:00)

Contact – Liz Love on 0422 270 178


River Valley Church – At the back of the Millwarra Community Centre Sundays 10:00am 

Contact – Judy 0428 148 833


Redwood Centre-3505 Warburton Hwy, Warburton.

Second Bite every Tuesday by appointment ph: 59 662 320


Yarra Junction Program – Community Room, Upper Yarra Family Centre, 2442 Warburton Highway, Yarra Junction

Fridays 1:30pm, tickets from 12:30pm 

Contact – LinC on 5967 2119


Woori Yallock Program – Woori Yallock Presbyterian Church 1363 Healesville – Koo Wee Rup Road, Woori Yallock; Fridays 10:00am. 

Contact – David 0410 529 657


Wandin Fresh Food Program-Wandin Senior Citizens 

Warburton HWY, Wandin 

Fridays 10am-11:30am



Free Community Meals

Redwood Centre, Warburton-Free Soup every Friday night at 6pm.

Koha Café-Warburton RSL-vegetarian meals by donation every Thursday 5:30pm 


Free Mental Health Support at Yarra Junction

Head to Help 1800 595 212

To find out more go to 



Everyone has the right to feel safe and be respected in their own home. 

EDVOS operate their service at the Upper Yarra Family Centre, at Yarra Junction, on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-5pm for all enquiries please call the Ringwood Service on 9259 4200.


During this difficult time of social distancing and self-isolation, some people may be experiencing abuse, control and violent behaviours from a loved one or family member. This behaviour is not okay.


If you or someone you know needs support, we are ALL here for you!

  • If you are in danger call 000.
  • For confidential crisis support, information and accommodation: Safe Steps 24/7 family violence response line on 1800 015 188. If it is unsafe to call, email safesteps@safesteps.org.au.
  • For confidential phone help and referral: 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

  • For a specialist LGBTIQ family violence service: W|Respect on 1800 542 847 or visit www.withrespect.org.au.

  • For support for women who live in the Eastern suburbs: Eastern Domestic Violence Service 9259 4200 or email edvos@edvos.org.au. Open Mon-Fri 9am – 8pm, Sat 9am-5pm.

  • For support for men: Men's Referral Service on 1300 766 491.

Find family violence & COVID-19 information and support at https://bit.ly/2UutLwt