Dear families,
Our fete is soon approaching! Thank you for those who have signed up to help. Lot's of work is happening behind the scenes.
Class Stall
You should have received some requests for help from your child's classroom teachers.
The classes are doing the following stalls :
Preps | Sandpit Treasure Hunt | |
1/2 ‘s | Tombola jars | Lobachoc |
3/4 ‘s | Popcorn | Zooper doopers |
5/6 ‘s | Second Hand Books | Cold Cups |
So we need: books, Zooper Doopers, Chocolate blocks (We will do a drive soon), Tombola jars and other items your child's teacher has communicated with you.
Wristbands on Sale
Our unlimited ride wristbands are going on sale via the office.
$25 - Early birds price - Cash or card (preferred)
Fete - 2025 - Assistance Needed
We are still looking for more people or a team, who might be interested in helping Michael (P&F President) in organising the 2025 Fete on the 15th of March.
If you are interested, please let Mr Ru know via rlameijn@tcs.catholic.edu.au