Principal's News

Dear Familes and Friends,
What a week we have had! It is hard to believe our Multicultural Family Night was a whole week ago. Thank you all so much for the amazing food you shared with each other and most importantly the great conversations and connections that I am sure were made on the night. As I said in my welcome, I am always very proud when speaking to others about our school community and the richness we have in our similarities and differences. No doubt there are times when things may not always go the way we wish and just like families everywhere we may have our ups and downs. What is most important, however, is how we all manage these to ensure there is always open communication, honesty and thoughtfulness in our interactions. Following the evening there was much talk about planning more occassions where we can all come together as a school community. I look forward to our Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast next Tuesday and of course our school Fete on the 15th of March as our next big get together.
Here are just a few of the great shots from the Welcome Night.
Thanks again Issey (Hannah's dad) for your amazing photos.
St Ignatious and St James Lenten Program
Link to Flyer below image
OHSC Before School & After School
I am happy to report that so far, our transition to MACSEYE OHSC has been fairly smooth with some great staff running the program both before and after school. We have been having really strong numbers in our after care program particulary, which means our children are also having the opportunity to socialize with other children from across year levels in planned activities. We would really like to build the before school numbers as we need this to continue to make the service viable into the future. A reminder for all parents that if children are arriving before 8:30am then they should be enroling in the before school program. Children will have something to eat and enjoy the company of others in a safe environment until staff are on duty at 8:30am.
MACSEYE OHSC (Out of Hours School Care)
Families who need Outside School Hours Care will need to enrol with MACSEYE.
Please refer to the attached flyer which has the enrolment link.
If you have any questions, please let me know or you can also email MACSEYE directly at
Parents & Friends
As we know, our Parents and Friends association provides an essential service to our whole school community in planning and running both social and fundraising activities. Over the years our past P&F groups have helped to raise much needed funds to purchase learning resources, play equipment, school equipment, such as our wonderful marquees, and much much more. I have recently been able to purchase two new barbecues for the school with P&F funds which I am sure will pay themselves off very quickly. In fact we look forward to some delicious pancakes next Tuesday at our Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast.
Lunch Orders - Exact Money Please
Lunch orders continue to be available from our cafe, Modena 5 days per week. Children need to place their money in a paper bag with their name and the food they wish to order clearly written on the bag. As we are now having quite a lot of orders could we please ask that the exact amount of money is placed in the bag as this will greatly speed up the process for those preparing lunches at the cafe. It also eliminates the risk of money being lost when returned in the bags as change.
A reminder that lunches are also available online from Classroom Cuisineon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If at any tinme you need assitance in ordering please contact the office.
Richmond Junior Football Club- are doing some recruiting ahead of the season starting. Register now using the QR code below.
School Photos
We will send home reminders and information closer to the date. Below are the instructions for ordering photos.
Experience Excellencein Early Learning at Goodstart Richmond
PDF Flyer Here"
If you or your friends have any questions regarding our local Kindergardens and Early Learning Centres please let us know and I am sure we will be able to help.
Nigel Rodrigues
ABC Music Lessons
Please see the ABC Page HERE in this week's newsletter for all the information you need.
Trinity Playgroup 2025
We are looking forward to another great year providing a free Playgroup Service each Wednesday from 9.00am till 10:15am for all pre-school children in our local area. This year the program will be run by Ms Belinda, a qualified primary school teacher and mother of her own pre-school child. Please, see the flyer below for details or contact us at the office, in person, over the phone or by email.
Secondary School Open Days & Tours