Forest School

As the old saying goes, “time flies when you’re having fun!” Can you believe we are already in Week 4?
Over the past few weeks, our Foundation to Year 4 students have been exploring Earth Sciences at Middle Gully, observing the seasonal changes that signal summer and Birak (the dry season). The dam is looking very dry, heat-loving plants like tomatoes and basil are thriving in our veggie patch, and our fruit trees are safely covered with netting to protect their growing fruit. To deepen our understanding of weather patterns, we’ve made rain gauges to track rainfall over time. It will be fascinating to compare results across the year! This week, we investigated temperature using thermometers, sparking curiosity as students measured shady and sunny spots, as well as the water in our pond, which turned out to be a chilly 7 degrees!
Meanwhile, our Year 5 and 6 students have been hard at work on a special project to enhance an area of Middle Gully. Using creativity and problem-solving skills, they have been busy mapping, designing, and collaborating to bring their ideas to life. I can’t wait to share their final creations! Along the way, we even unearthed some hidden treasures - Pavers made by students in the year 2000 to commemorate the school’s 125th anniversary. How fitting that we discovered them this year, as we prepare to celebrate our school’s 150th anniversary!
It’s been an exciting and hands-on start to the term at Middle Gully, and we can’t wait for what’s to come!
Lisa Pickles
Forest School Science Specialist Teacher