P&C Update

Mrs Erin Williams - P&C President

How is it already almost Autumn? Soon, we farewell the humidity, the bugs and the incredible summer fruit that Queensland gives us an abundance each year. And welcome a buzz of school activity!


The Gap State High School P&C AGM is coming up – Monday, 10th March at 7:00 pm in the library. To become a new member or to renew your annual membership, please visit P&C Membership - The Gap SHS P&C before the meeting so we can confirm all members on the night. At P&C meetings, the school's leadership team presents updates on various school activities and is available to take questions and receive feedback from members. It’s a great way of having a closer look at how the school operates. We also get a seat at the table for decisions on uniform, policy, the school plan and events as well as budget spending and priorities for updates and improvements.


We are looking for a few new faces to fill some roles in the executive. In our P&C, the main executive has focus on the businesses that provide services to the school – the tuckshop and uniform shop. We have a paid bookkeeper, so treasurers just have oversight on the finances, without all the heavy lifting of recording and calculating financial statements. Secretary and Vice President roles are also available, so please get in touch with me at president@tgshspandc.org.au to find out more about the roles. We also have P&C subcommittees for arts support – PoPArts, elite volleyball program – FoEVP and student supported learning – SSPG (looking for a new chairperson for this one), where you have the opportunity to support fundraising and decide on matters more focused on those areas of the school.


And while we are supporting fundraising – there are some fundraising/community events coming up! Do you have your tickets?

  • Year 7 parent gathering – Friday 28th February 6:00 pm-8:00 pm https://events.humanitix.com/yr7parent Ticket price is just to cover cost of catering. Connect, Engage & Celebrate!


  • International Women’s Day Breakfast – Thursday 6th March https://events.humanitix.com/iwd2025 Ticket price covers breakfast and coffee


  • PoPArts Trivia Night – Friday 7th March – tickets on sale from this week. Get a table with all your friends – students welcome! BYO food and drink and dress up with your table’s theme! Prizes for trivia champs and for costumes!


  • Year 12 parent gathering – Friday 14 March -  Year 12 Parent Gathering Inaugural Year 12 parent gathering to reconnect with other families facing this big year and hear what is in store for our Year 12 students. Ticket price is just to cover cost of catering.


  • TULA Concert – Friday 28th March. First concert of the year. If you haven’t seen the incredible talent in our music ensembles you are in for a treat. Price is a gold coin donation at the door (if you can), plus there is food and bar available to purchase dinner/refreshments. It's not just for the families of the musicians – everyone is welcome!

Student Support Services 

Student Support Services would like to thank and recognise the wonderful work of the former convenor of The Gap State High School P&C Student Support Parent Group – Ms Terri Bainbridge. Terri has decided to step down this year as Convenor but we did not want to let her go without acknowledging her hard work for this group. Terri has been convening this parent group since 2018. 


Her positivity and dedication to ensure that parents of students with disability have a safe and supportive group to meet and discuss their concerns and stories has been invaluable. Thank you Terri for all you have done for our school and parents in moving inclusion forward.


Emma Cullen

Head of Department – Student Support Services I Paterson House