Chaplain Update
Chappy Kristen
Chaplain Update
Chappy Kristen
This term has already been full of some great moments, and I look forward to many more.
During lunch breaks, we have Chappy Games, where we come together for some fun and creative activities. Students have been playing pool and board games and last week we did cookie decorating for Valentine's Day. It’s a fantastic opportunity for students to connect and build community. It has been a privilege to see the older students teaching our new grade 7's the rules of pool and see them becoming mentors.
We have our first pancake breakfast for the year on Wednesday, March 19th in the quad from 8:00 am - 8:40am.
Starting from Thursday 20th February, we will be hosting the Toasted breakfast program weekly. This will be from 8:00 am in front of Wellbeing Hub 2. This is a great opportunity for students to come and have breakfast and build friendships.
I had the chance to attend the Rock and Water training last week, it was a fantastic experience! I’m excited to introduce some of the games and activities to our students. They are so effective in teaching resilience, communication, and emotional regulation.
As always, I’m here to support our community, if you ever need anything or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Chappy Kristen