Introduction to the Senior School

Supporting our senior students
We’re very excited to start 2025 in the Senior Sub-School. We have had a great start to the year welcoming in our Year 11 students and were lucky to start the Year 12 journey with Ben Pettingill presenting his story of resilience and controlling the parts of Year 12 that you can control. He was truly an inspiration.
I would like to give a brief introduction to the staff here to support students in the Senior School.
Year 11 Program Leaders: Quinn Lim and Lauren Hutson
Year 11 Student Wellbeing Coordinator: Megan Simmons
Year 12 Program Leaders: Christine Martin and Joanna Gerantidis
Year 12 Student Wellbeing Coordinator: Sabatinie Balasooriya
Head of Senior School: Paul-Micah Sullivan
Sub-School Support: Emily Cummings
Inclusive Education Leader: Dave Macindoe
If you need to get in touch, just use Compass to look up the relevant staff member and you can send an email.
Term 1 Connect Overview:
In the Year 11 Connect Program this term, we will be focusing on an introduction to the Senior Years, developing students' study skills and celebrating their achievements as they start their Senior Years Journey.
In the Year 12 Connect Program this term, we will be working on supporting each other in the last year of school and looking at careers and pathway aspirations for the future.
We look forward to a great year and supporting students as they rise to the challenges.
Please get in contact if you need any supports throughout the year. We look forward to seeing you at the Year 12 Meet and Greet on 26 February.
Paul-Micah Sullivan
Head of Senior School
Captains “Our last first day”
The class of 2025 walked into school a couple weeks ago with some very bittersweet feelings. There were not only feelings of excitement for all the upcoming Year 12 events, but also some daunting feelings regarding the academic stresses to come. We all know
that we will come across some obstacles and hard times this year, with many ups and downs, but we’re excited to experience what is to come as the graduating class of 2025!
· Madeline Newall, Charlie Mitchell, Elias Zombolas, Olive Nicholson