Congratulations to the Class of 2024

Outstanding results continue!

Our Year 11 and 12 VCE and VCE VM results were again outstanding last year. We have collated a summary of the data for our students and you can see their great results and a continuation of the excellence experienced in recent years.


Congratulations to Dylan Maclean who is our 2024 Dux with an amazing ATAR score of 99.55.

  • 43 Students (16%) achieved an ATAR of 90 or over - in the top 10% of Australia
  • 105 students (38%) achieved and ATAR of 80 or over – in the top 20% of Australia
  • Median ATAR of 74.2
  • 127 study scores over 40, which is 8% of all study scores and shared amongst 90 individual students.
  • Mean study score is 30.4
  • Median study score is 31 

VCE VM Results:

All 13 Students achieved Satisfactory Completion in line with the statewide average of completion.

The pathways for these students will be varied and include a combination of apprenticeships, traineeships, tertiary studies and other employment.


Congratulations, and we wish them all the best in their next endeavours as they follow the better path.


Q & A with Dux Dylan MacLean


Dylan MacLean with Chris Jones
Dylan MacLean with Chris Jones

What was most challenging thing about completing Year 12?

The most challenging part about completing year 12 was sustaining good study habits for a whole year. It was often tricky after a week full of SACs to immediately start learning the next piece of content, but if I didn't keep up I would find myself doing twice the work the week after.


What has been rewarding about this year?

The most rewarding part of the year was the various end of year celebrations such as celebration day, dress like a teacher day, and primary school uniform day. They were rewarding ways to celebrate our time together as a cohort and have some fun before our exams started. 


What was your favourite subject in your time at Northcote High School?

Comedy in year 10, it is a Northcote model performing arts subject. It was a fun way to de-stress and make some new friends that I still know to this day, and it significantly improved my self-confidence speaking in front of others. If I had to pick a year 12 subject I would say Specialist Maths. Our school's maths department is amazing all round and this subject was the capstone of my amazing maths experience at this school.


Most memorable moment of this year?

My most memorable moment of the year was the final performance of our school production "Newsies". The year 12s hold various leadership positions in the backstage crew. The final show was memorable as it meant it was time for us to pass the torch to the year 11s, who we are sure will do a brilliant job putting on the 2025 show. The final show was also memorable as it was the end of my time taking part in Northcote High School productions, which have been one of my favourite parts of the year since year 9.


What are your current plans for next year and the future?

In 2025 I hope to study a bachelor of science at Melbourne University. Following that I will do either a master's of engineering or a master's of international relations. While I have not fully decided which of these I will choose yet, and as such how my career may look, this undergraduate degree gives me time to experience both options through breadth subjects, and make an informed decision.


Do you have any words of advice for other students in the future?

Firstly, I have some advice about attitudes towards the year. In year 12 you will learn a lot more than just the content of your classes, you will learn to set study habits, be responsible for yourself, and handle stress. These skills are more important in the long run than the content of your classes, however, they cannot be taught, you must learn them through experience. 


You do not have to begin year 12 as the perfect year 12 student, and it's okay to struggle along the way, as in doing so you are learning the real lessons that year 12 teaches you. Before I give some practical advice about studying, I want to say that there is a wealth of advice available for students of all ages, but just because it comes from a high scoring student, doesn't mean it will work for you. Finding how you study best is one of the most important journeys that year 12 will lead you on. That said, my advice is that 1 hour in class in which you pay full attention is worth 2 hours of study at home, this means that regardless of whether you want a high ATAR, or whether you hate homework, paying attention in class is worth it. 


A second piece of advice was given to me by my year 11 English teacher at the end of the year, "year 12 is the last year where a bunch of adults are paid to help you succeed". Use your teachers. Ask questions, and during the exam period arrange meetings with them to receive feedback on practice exams. 


Finally, maintain a work life balance. The positive impact it has on your mental health allows you to study more effectively, and despite what some may say, it's 100% possible. I personally attended my fencing training twice a week until October, and took part in the school production. It might feel stressful to balance at the start of the year, but you will be glad you did it by the end. 


Anything else you’d like to add?

I would like to thank all of my teachers over the years who were a part of my high school journey, and to all future students, best of luck with your studies. Year 12 can be tough but the sense of camaraderie with your cohort and the friendships you have built can also make it one of the most fun years of school. Believe in yourself, you can do it!