Student Services : Careers 

A huge welcome to everyone to the new school year, especially students who are in their first year at NHS. Wominjeka!  


Careers are part of the Student Services team at NHS – located on the ground floor of our amazing new HUB Building. We are a team of two - Booma (Careers Practitioner) and Dora Solima our new part-time VET/Careers Admin.   


We are here to provide information, counselling, curriculum advice, and run programs which assist students to develop the skills they will need to manage their career journey over their lifetime.   


NHS Careers information and how to find it

Studentsshould be able to find all the relevant information they need through Microsoft Teams.  They can go to their Year Level team, and then to the Careers channel.  

There is also a tab for students to make an appointment here.   


Parentsneed to use Compass to access Careers information or make an appointment directlyCompass.  Go to School Documentation > Careers and Pathways  


News/Information/Opportunities: The fortnightly newsletter contains general updates and some specific information.   

All year levels receive targeted careers information via Teams.  



Year 10 Work Experience 2025

 Term 4 2024 we launched our 2024 Work Experience program to students, and updated parents via newsletter communications. All Year 10 students will be given the opportunity to participate in up to 5 days of Work Experience in 2025.  


The process, guidelines, forms and FAQs can be accessed by students via the Careers Channel in their Year 10 Communications Team, or for parents via Compass School Documentation.  Students will be working on their preparation in Connect sessions this term. 


Any application for work experience must be for within the approved dates (calendar available in documents) and must be received at least 16 days prior to the proposed commencement of the placement. These timelines are strictly non-negotiable. Incomplete paperwork will not be processed - so students should carefully check everything before submitting their applications to Careers office. Connect tutors must sign off on applications (on cover sheet) before they are submitted.  


Careers Expo - coming soon in Term 1

Lots of work has been going on behind the scenes to create our annual Careers Expo for our students in Years 10-12.  We are pleased to advise that we will be holding our 2025 Expo on Monday 24 March for students to attend over the course of the day.  Stay tuned for more information!


Class of 2024: Off on their next adventures

One of the highlights of my summer is following the journeys of all our school leavers, especially our Year 12 cohort.  The class of 2024 achieved outstanding results, and our transitions data reflects the diversity and incredible potential of our graduates. 


There have been 278 offers made to our students to continue onto tertiary study in 2025.  Many of our students are stepping into university over the next few weeks.  Areas of student include Arts (39), Science/Maths (45), Business (50), Health Services (42), Engineering (21), Creative Arts (18), Law (17), Communication (10), IT (12), Design (4), Education (13), Building and Construction (14), Medicine (3) and Sports (5) – as well as aviation, patisserie, make up! 


We also have a number of students who have secured Apprenticeships or Traineeships, and will work towards their trade qualification over the next few years. Most students are working at least part time, and a number of students are working full time whilst taking a GAP Year.  


We will continue to support our alumni through their transition from NHS. Alumni students can contact Booma in careers for any assistance they need.