First weeks of Year 7

Getting to know classmates in Connect

High school adventures begin


Welcome to our new Year 7’s for 2025, who have made a great start. It is a steep learning curve coming to secondary school and dealing with the timetable, lockers, textbooks and more.


The Year 7s looked great in their new uniforms and were well-prepared with their stationery and books. We are so impressed at how the students have found their way around the school, navigating to new classrooms and how they have come to ask for help when they’re not sure. We're also impressed by the enthusiasm from students to join in on sport, music, and more, and to make friends. 


Well done Year 7s, keep up the great work! We look forward to seeing you continue to grow in knowledge and confidence and to contribute great things at NHS. 


Moving from primary school to High School has been big change for me. I was really nervous about school and classes, and how I would make friends. There's a lot of different things to get used to and learn. It was a bit scary, but I made new friends, have a lot of new teachers and I am getting used to the routine. High School is a lot more responsibility but I am enjoying it, especially the ride to school everyday with my sister.
~Miriam, Year 7