From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Community @ SHCPS

Our motto "Something Beautiful for God" at St Helena's Catholic Primary School came from a wonderful role model in St Teresa of Calcutta. At St Helena's our staff encourage all our students every day to endeavour to do Something Beautiful for God in what we say and do. We are very blessed to have such a dedicated and hard working staff who all have the best interests of all the students in their care at the forefront of all that they do. We are fortunate in the many opportunities we offer our students both in and out of the classroom. Our staff's focus is that on education, but also of community building, ensuring that our school is a safe and happy place to come each day. Over the last couple of years of being a part of St Helena's I have seen this first hand and I commend the efforts of our staff. 


We are also very appreciative of the support we have from our parents and caregivers in working together in partnership to support our students on their individual learning journey. We are grateful for the support of those who put their hand up to join the P&F and the Catholic School Advisory Council. We are appreciative of those who put their hand up to assist at different events and around the school from time to time. Your dedication and willingness to contribute your time and energy make a significant difference in the lives of our students. Together, we create a nurturing and enriching environment that fosters growth, learning, and a sense of belonging. 


We encourage more members of our community to get involved. By joining us in various activities and initiatives, you can help us offer even more opportunities and support for our students. Your involvement, no matter how big or small, is invaluable and greatly appreciated. 

St Teresa of Calcutta

St Helena's Catholic Primary School P&F Association - It's Time to Get Involved!

Hoping you have had time to have a read of our Term 1 P&F newsletter that came out yesterday - click here if you missed it.


We have a section in the P&F newsletter explaining some of the proposed events as well as a link to a Form that allows parents and caregivers to nominate to assist. It is imperative that we get more parents and caregivers putting their hand up for these events to take place. We know that we are all busy, but it takes a collective effort to build community and foster a culture where everyone takes responsibility to get involved and do something.


You will also see that we are looking for someone to take up the role of Secretary. Get in touch with me if you would like to discuss the role. 


Looking forward to the P&F Welcome BBQ next Friday 7 March between 5:00pm and 7:00pm. Thank you in advance to the P&F Committee and those assisting on the evening!

Ash Wednesday

Next Wednesday 5 March at 10:15am we will be coming together as a school community for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy. All parents and caregivers are most welcome to join us in the Undercover Area.


Kindergarten 2026

Enrolment interviews for Kindergarten in 2026 are commencing shortly.

Families with siblings born between July 2021 and June 2022 seeking a place in our Kindergarten next year at St Helena's are asked to contact Admin on or 9297 7500 to receive an application pack. 


We don't want you to miss out!




Our Vision for Learning at St Helena's Catholic Primary School 

is focused on the following four pillars. 



As a community united in faith and trust, St Helena’s Catholic Primary School seeks to provide a nurturing and diverse learning environment where all are inspired to live the ideal of doing Something Beautiful for God.



Pillar One: Christ Centred - Catholic Identity

At St Helena’s, we value the visible expression of our Catholic identity 

and actively give witness to the values of the Gospel.


Pillar Two: Collaboration - Community

At St Helena’s, we value staff, students, parents, caregivers, parish and the 

wider community working together to support each person 

to become the person God intended them to be.


Pillar Three: Voice & Engagement - Education

At St Helena’s, we value evidence-based teaching and learning practices that are respectful and responsive to the diverse needs of all learners in an ever-changing world.


Pillar Four: Safety & Respect -Stewardship

At St Helena’s, we value each individual and act with concern for the 

physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of all members of our community.


At St Helena's, we are a Christ-centred and a child-focused community, 

always striving to do Something Beautiful for God.



Peace & Happy Days!





Santino Giancono




"What I can do, you cannot. What you can do, I cannot. 

But together we can do something beautiful for God." 

Saint Teresa of Calcutta