Spotlight on the Classrooms

 A Hive of Excitement

Our classrooms were buzzing last week with happiness as we prepared for a year filled with fun and learning. Students in our K-2 and 3-6 classrooms were collaboratively designing classroom expectations based on the Living Well, Learning Well student support framework :

  • I am Safe
  • I am Valued, Respected and Cared for
  • I am a Learner


We welcomed our newest kindergarten student for 2025. It was great to see Henry arrive at school with his family, ready to take on the new adventures at 'big school'. We are excited to start this learning adventure together at Sacred Heart Primary School. 

Literacy Groups are underway in our K-2 and 3-6 classrooms. Tiered Intervention programs such as InitiaLit-F, InitiaLit-1, InitiaLit-2, SpellEx, MiniLit Sage and MacqLit are taking place across the school. Kinder to Year 6 Guided Reading Groups have begun, where children work to achieve their reading goals.

We have flooded our Literacy block with all available skilled, helpful adults to ensure each child receives individualised support to achieve their learning goals.

During Mathematics, our K-2 class have been learning about 2D shapes.

Whilst our Year 3-6 students learnt about 3D Objects.

Australia Day 2025

Australia Day 2025 was celebrated with Boggabri residents, visitors, Mayor Darrell Tiemens and Hon. Mark Coulton at the end of the holidays. We were fortunate to host the formalities section of the day at Sacred Heart School. The morning started with a shared breakfast of pancakes, fruit salad, lamingtons, tea and coffee.


Unfortunately, the Ambassador, Ms Christine Mastello, could not attend due to circumstances that were out of our control. Noreen Boehm read Christine's prepared speech in her absence. 


Local singer Caitlyn Matthews performed the National Anthem and closed the formalities with an acoustic version of 'We Are Australian'. 


Kiarah Hill also spoke to the Boggabri community as the 2025 School Captain of Sacred Heart School. She confidently shared a speech she had written about what Australia means to her. Well done, Kiarah, for representing Sacred Heart School at your first official duty.


After the formalities, a Mini Sports Carnival was set up on the oval for all families to participate in before heading to the pool to cool off. Boggabri Lions Club provided a free Sausage Sizzle for lunch to everyone present at the pool. The Boggabri Rotary Club ran Splash for Cash swimming races, and many a Zooper Dooper was consumed to remain cool in the Aussie heat.