Whole School News

Congratulations to Tali, Elliot, Lucas, Zac V, Luca S and Leo, who recently represented our school at the Divisional Athletics Day. Their performance was truly commendable and showcased their talent.Congratulations to Lucas for coming second in the 9/10-year-old hurdles. His achievement has earned him a spot in the upcoming Regional Athletics Day, scheduled for Wednesday, 16th October.
We wish Lucas good luck; we are confident that he will make us proud.
Students Of The Week
Congratulations to our fantastic leaders of learning last week!
Term 3 - Week 9
Prep K - Hannah A
Prep S - Vasco C
1/2P - Ella H
1/2K - Lucy K
1/2S - Nicholas M
1/2W - Valentina N
2/3W - Sylvie L
3/4B - Charlotte S
3/4R - Amelia CD
3/4T - Kai J
4/5H - Clem L
5/6D - Christal NL Digby C
5/6C - James C