A note from Mr Jackson

Footy Frenzy Day Wednesday 18 September
Thanks to the staff and students from the Junior School Council who organised the ‘Footy Frenzy Day’ on Wednesday. It was an important opportunity to encourage an active lifestyle and mark this iconic Melbourne time. Students loved the ‘longest kick’ competition with winners presented with their own medals at the parade in the afternoon. Of particular note, were our two Toxic Avengers supporters who were colourful supporters of their favourite roller derby team! It was wonderful to celebrate a huge diversity of sporting team fans!
End of Term
A reminder that tomorrow is an early finish at 2:30pm. Please ensure that students are picked up on time. Supervision in the yard concludes at 2:45pm.
Our final term assembly starts at 1:45pm. We look forward to celebrating learning with ‘Students of the Week’, present our English ICAS Certificates, present our Litter Legends badges, hear from 12P about their learning, farewell students, and mark the end of the term.
We will take a moment to farewell Ms Kaiser, who will be working at Docklands Primary School from term 4 and into 2025. We wish her well and are sure that she will enjoy her experiences at her new school, especially the short walk to work! We look forward to announcing who will cover 12K over term 4 once the appointment has been confirmed.
The Term starts on Monday 7 October!
Smile Squad Team Impresses With Students’ Teeth!
I spoke with the Smile Squad team this week and they commended the state of our students’ teeth! Apparently, our collective teeth are very healthy and well maintained! A special thanks to all who utilised this free service and supported the dental hygiene of students. They will visit again next year and offer another round of dental examinations. If any student requires emergency or urgent care in between visits, they can attend our Banyule Community Health dental clinic. Please call 9450 2000 and ask for a Smile Squad appointment.
Lost Property – Last Opportunity
All lost property that has not found its way back its owner will be used in our second hand stores or recycled. While much of the items picked up around the site are named and can be returned to their owners, many items have no names. The unnamed items will be laid out at the final assembly for parents to check and claim.
TheirCare Providing Vacation Care Program – ‘Spring Carnival’
A reminder that TheirCare are providing a wonderful Vacation Care program each day over the break. Their ‘Spring Carnival’ Program will be popular, so please make sure that students are booked in and registered so they do not miss out on these fun days. Call TheirCare on 1300 072 410 for more information. Dig further into the newsletter to find out more.
Concert Update Tuesday 8 October
There is a crescendo of excitement throughout the school as the final tweaks are being made to the School Concert. Tickets have been allocated, with at least every family who expressed interest receiving two tickets. A small amount of extra tickets were distributed to families who requested more than two tickets, based on the time of their purchase. These families received just one further ticket. A special thanks to the office team for there amazing effort to distribute tickets in such an equitable process.
We are excited to again have Costello Videos film the concert. CDs or USB sticks of the performance can be ordered after the event. These are treasured possessions of families and a great way to capture and share the memories of the night.
During the school day, students will travel by bus to Loyola College. The time allocated by the college for rehearsal has been limited to the afternoon, so we will provide an opportunity for students to have a brief rehearsal on stage and familiarise themselves with the site. Students will be returned to Rosanna Primary and dismissal will occur as usual at 3:30pm. The costs of the transport have already been included in the purchase of tickets. Each child is required to have their consent form completed and returned before the student is to attend. Parents may choose to complete this on QKR!
Some parents of our senior performers involved in the front stage narration, as well as the back stage crew have been invited to stay for an extended rehearsal on Tuesday 8 October and will be picked up from Loyola at 4:30pm. Further information and consents will be communicated directly with these families.
On the night of the performance, students are expected to arrive at Loyola College at 6:30pm and enter the facility from the side stage entrance, where they will be signed in. They should be dressed in school uniform unless otherwise directed by their classroom teacher. They will be invited to bring a reusable bag with their name on it. In this bag they should have a drink bottle, something to read and a small game (eg. card game, other item). All items should be labelled with their names. Please ensure students have eaten prior to their arrival. No student should bring food into the area.
Instructions on the dismissal process, will be provided on the night.
Please stay tuned to Compass for more information.
Looking Forward to Term 4
There is lots on over the coming weeks of term 4.
3/4 Camp, Year 1 Dinner and Year 2 Snooze, 2025 class formation, graduation celebrations, staffing news, FORPS picnics … and much more. All these events are run on tight timelines. I encourage you to continue to check in with Compass regularly and to encourage others to read the newsletter.
A reminder that Monday 4th November, the day prior to the Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday on Tuesday the 5th November, is a Curriculum Day. Students will not be attending school. TheirCare will be providing a program for students requiring care for the day.