The Learning Zone

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." - Chinese Proverb

"Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress,

and working together is success." - Henry Ford

Clarity Learning Days

Last week, St Joseph's was honoured to host two days of professional learning on school improvement and leadership with Dr Lyn Sharratt. There were more than 70 school leaders and staff in attendance, as well as executive members from Armidale Catholic Schools. Dr Sharratt is a highly accomplished researcher, author and presenter who consults with educational systems worldwide. St Joseph's has been on an exciting journey over the past few years so it was wonderful to receive such positive feedback from Dr Sharratt and other school leadership teams on our precision in learning and teaching practice.


As Dr Sharratt says, one way to assess how we are making a difference for each student is to conduct regular Learning Walks and Talks and check student understanding by asking five critical questions. These questions place the focus on the learning and encourage children to think more deeply about the knowledge they've gained and the skills they've practised.  

Student responses to these questions give feedback to the teacher about how effective the class instruction has been and how clear the learning intention was explained.  Students at St Joseph's were able to confidently and accurately articulate their learning and answer the 5 learning questions during Dr Sharratt's visit and are to be congratulated on their engagement and willingness to share their learning with the visitors.


To build on the work of Dr Sharratt and the 5 Learning Questions, we have introduced our very own Student Learning Team (SLT). (You will find further information on the SLT in last week's newsletter and below.) Dr Sharratt was very impressed as Mrs Mitchell explained the purpose of the SLT with her during the visit last week.  

Mrs Mitchell discusses our SLT with Dr Lyn Sharratt.
Mrs Mitchell discusses our SLT with Dr Lyn Sharratt.

St Joseph's Student Learning Team

Our SLT met again last week to further investigate the first Learning Question: What are you Learning? Our representatives discussed the importance of being able to articulate their learning using the lessons' Learning Intention and incorporate its purpose into their response. The SLT went on another Learning Walk to ask their peers 'What are you Learning?' and encouraging them to add the 'why?' [purpose] in their response. 


The power of our students coaching and discussing learning with their peers has been commendable. The team has developed 'tips' to share with the rest of the students at St Joseph's at an upcoming assembly encouraging detailed responses to their learning.


Have a wonderful week of learning!