Grade 3 News

Important Reminders
Upcoming dates/Important Info
Lunch with Leaders - 23rd of October
Lolly Drive payment due - 31st of October
Parent Cyber Safety presentation - 31st of October
Melbourne Cup Public Holiday - 5th of November
Colour Run - 8th of November
Curriculum Day - 11th of November
Homework 👍Mathletics and reading. For those wishing to practise their Maths Masters skills, we have linked the belts with some online games. Your child should be able to tell you what belt they are practising All master belts
NO Hat NO play Sunsmart policy
Learning in Action
To begin this term students have been introduced to their unit on narratives. Students have been analysing genres, identifying themes or main ideas in picture story books and plotting the story on a Narrative Hill. They are using this learning to assist them to start thinking and planning the theme, characters, setting, problem and solution in their narrative story that they will be writing this term.
Students are continuing to work on their grammar and have been focusing on the use of different mental and physical verbs, and will be applying these skills to their writing pieces.
Story writing with Georgie
Georgie is Mrs Stokol's oldest child and she loves to write picture story books. She came to have a fun time at our school and helped us to write our first story book. The first thing we did was sit at a table and wait for the instructions. When she came back she gave all of us two pieces of paper. The first piece was A4 the second was A3. Then Georgie explained a fun exciting way of writing a picture story book. After that we went back to our classroom.
By Ella D & Skylah I
On Tuesday, Geogie taught us how to write an interesting story . First we got a piece of paper then folded it into 4 equal parts and wrote in them . In the first bit we wrote the name and the animal. We passed it along and in the second part we wrote what the character was wearing . Then what they like doing and last but not least we wrote the setting. After we did that we started writing the story . We thought about the problem and the solution and how to make it an interesting story. It was a bit different because after every paragraph we passed it onto the person sitting left to us. At the end we all had a fully written story. It was really fun for everyone!
By Indigo M
On Tuesday Grade 3s got to meet Mrs Stokol's daughter Georgie. She gave us
pieces of paper and we thought of a character and name. Then we swapped papers and we came up with more ideas then we folded the papers. When we were done swapping we unfolded all the papers and we were left with a story to write. The other sheet was kind of the same thing but on this one we go to draw a picture relating to the story. My drawing was a hippo in under pants! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
By Oliver C and Milla A
Over the next fortnight, students will continue to use a Narrative Hill plan to plan and then draft their narrative. They will be considering the traits of the characters and how they can use their words and illustrations to ‘show, not tell’.
The Grade 3 students started off this term by focussing on the applied unit of Chance, and the relevant language such as impossible, unlikely, likely and certain. They identified and recorded the different chance outcomes in a spinner experiment and when tossing a coin. Results were tallied and graphed when drawing a red, green, blue and yellow counter from a paper bag with mixed amounts. To complete the chance unit, students played a game to create a beetle, with each body part corresponding to a number. They estimated how many turns they thought it would take to complete a beetle, tallied and graphed the results as a class.
This week, after completing a pretest on fractions, students commenced the Fractions unit by being reminded that fractions describe equal parts of a whole and being introduced to the definitions of numerator and denominator. We described fractions of a collection and shape. We also commenced the targeted maths goal groups for fractions.
As a class, in addition to the maths goal groups, students will continue to describe fractions of shapes, equal parts of a collection, group or set, as well as fractions on a number line.
This term’s inquiry topic is about sustainability and renewable vs nonrenewable energy types. Students have begun by learning about Australia and the world, exploring the names of different continents and the oceans of Earth. Students have also discussed and defined terms such as the equator, continents, and hemispheres.
Students then began exploring the idea of energy, and where we get our energy from. They also explored what makes a resource renewable or nonrenewable, and different examples of each.
Students will continue to look at different types of energy over the next four weeks, rotating around as a class to each of the grade 3 teachers. Mrs Stokol will be exploring hydroelectricity, Miss Du Vallon will be exploring solar power, Mrs Huxley will be exploring fossil fuels, and Mrs Alexander will be exploring wind power.
Grade 3 students began the term with a Friendology lesson where they considered friendships in both the green and red zones and what situations or actions may place friendships in these zones. During Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (4 R’s), we continued the topic, Gender and Identity. Students played a matching pairs game where they were dealt cards and needed to find their matching partner (cards included pictures such as a bucket and a spade as a pair). Once paired up, students needed to share two things they have in common with each other and two things that are different about them. After the game, we discussed these similarities and differences and the need to be able to respect and enjoy this diversity.
Students will further explore gender and identity during the 4R lessons. They will be given opportunities to describe and compare gender roles through reading traditional and modern fairy tales. Students will also then consider the role the media plays in gender norms and expectations.
Grade 3 students have been enjoying playing different games on Wednesday afternoons as part of our grade 3 sport, working together playing team work games, building friendships and resilience!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Grade 3 Team,
Mrs Stokol, Miss Du Vallon, Mrs Alexander, Mrs Huxley and Mrs Rosewarne