Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
Tuesday 5th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
Friday 8th November - Colour Run
Monday 11th November - Curriculum day
Friday 15th November- Grade 2 Author study celebration
Learning in action
This term we are engaging in an author study of Oliver Jeffers, and each week, each grade will be reading a different book. Each week students will discuss the structure of a narrative (referring to the narrative hill), inferring character feelings, retelling the story and identifying interesting vocabulary that has been used.
The books we are studying are,
- How to catch a star
- Stuck
- Lost and Found
- The Great Paper Caper
- Fate of Fausto
This fortnight, students have been looking at irregular and regular plural nouns. Students had to differentiate between the two and re-write sentences using the correct plural noun.
Last week students used the narrative hill structure to plan a narrative of their own. This week students will begin writing their draft.
Students will be learning to edit and revise their sentences as well as planning another narrative.
This fortnight students have been learning about place value of 2-digit, 3-digit and 4-digit numbers. We have looked at counting forwards and backwards by 1s,10s and 100s and making, representing and decomposing numbers.
Students have learnt about transformation by flipping, sliding and turning magnetic letters and had to explain the direction that was used.
Students will continue to learn about place value of 2-digit, 3-digit and 4- digit numbers.
This fortnight the students were learning about positive gender relations. Students discussed that boys and girls can both be leaders and both genders can play together.
Grade 2 Sport
This term students will be playing Grade 2 Sport every Monday. For the next 4 weeks, we are focusing on the skills of tee ball, where students will rotate each week and learn a new skill required for playing tee ball. At the end of the rotations, there will be a round-robin where students will play a game of tee ball in their teams.
Lex Fisher, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers