Prep News

Important Reminders!
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
- Take-home books: students need to bring their take-home book to school every Monday so they can get a new book for the week to practise at home. We are noticing a large number of students who are forgetting every week. Ensuring your child returns their book each week will help them make the most of their at home reading experience.
- Colour Run: Friday 8th November
- Curriculum day: Monday 11th November
Learning in Action
Literacy: This term, students will be reading and writing narratives. We kickstarted the unit by learning about the structure of narratives (beginning, middle and end). Students listened to the texts, ‘The Pocket Dogs’ and ‘Boy’ and identified the characters, setting, problem and solution. Through writing sessions, students brainstormed a range of different characters, settings, problems and solutions that narratives could have. Students will refer to this brainstorm when they go to write their own narrative. Students also learnt about adjectives (words that describe a subject), where they got to choose their favourite character from Pocket Dogs and Boy and develop a list of adjectives to describe them.
Preview- Students will read the narrative ‘Quiet Girl’ and identify the narrative elements. Students will draft a plan and have a go at writing their very first narrative.
Maths: This term, students will be learning about place value, sharing, 3D shapes, money and revise other topics we have covered this year.
Last week we revised making and representing numbers. Students also described their numbers using ‘tens and ones’.
Over the next fortnight, students will be learning about sharing and what it means to share something in equal groups. Students practised sharing using counters to represent strawberries and lollipops, and kinder circles to represent bowls. Students enjoyed this task, and were able to confidently share the strawberries and lollipops evenly.
In Term 1 we learnt about 2D shapes, so students are excited to learn about 3D shapes this Term, including spheres and cubes. Students were introduced to the words ‘flat’ and ‘fat’ shapes to help them identify 2D and 3D shapes. Students accepted the challenge to make spheres and cubes with Play-Doh and match sticks. Students had lots of fun making their 3D shapes and it was great to see them engaged in their learning.
Preview- Students will revise sharing and learn about money.
This term, Prep students will be learning about ‘What are living things and sustainability’. We have just begun this unit and have been learning about living things' basic needs. After a class discussion we decided living things require air, water, shelter and food.
We have also been comparing and contrasting animals and plants features. We enjoyed engaging in small group discussions to identify each living thing's special features. The Curious Corner this term is structured around our new inquiry theme. Students have loved engaging in the space which is broken into land and water.
Preview- Students will be discovering about animals around the world.
These past two weeks students have been learning about ‘who are my helpers at school?’ and identifying people who they can go to for help. We enjoyed playing a ‘let's pretend’ game about help seeking and roleplaying when a child needs some help but is a bit afraid to ask for it.
Preview- Students will practise help-seeking conversations.
We would like to congratulate the following students on receiving the Student of the Week award:
Prep B
Prep S
Prep R
We would like to wish the following students a Happy Birthday:
Prep B
Shae - 21st
Rebecca - 26th
Prep S
Aurora - 21st
Hazel - 29th
Prep R
Class Timetables
Danielle Sandeman, Amanda Remington and Jess Bouloukis
Prep Teachers