Year 1 Newsletter
TERM 3 WEEK 9/10
Year 1 Newsletter
TERM 3 WEEK 9/10
Wow, this Term has flown by. The Level 1 teachers are very proud of our students efforts this term. Our final two weeks have been extremely busy. We had Footy Day, R U Ok Day activities, special places speaking & listening presentations & teacher Planning Day ( FYI Level 1 teachers are very excited as we have planned lots of interesting activities for term 4).
LLLL, Reading & Grammar Review- Each class has tailored their LLLL learning to their class needs, reviewing codes, rules e.g. letter c & g followed by an ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’ say their 2nd sound e.g. dance, city, gym. However, ‘g’ doesn’t always follow this rule e.g. girl, give). WE have revisited connectives (and, but, so, because and for), homophones & more.
WRITING: We have been writing a narrative (beg, middle, end). Students have been encouraged to use adverbs of time (First, next, then, after that, meanwhile), interesting adjectives (words describing the characters and settings), action verbs & adverbs (words that describe how we do the verb e.g. quickly, carefully, mindfully.
MATHS: Capacity & Mass - comparing objects and ordering them according to their weight both by hefting and using scales. Data collection and graphing, Compare and classify 3D shapes in our environment.
INQUIRY: We went for a landmark tour to the oval, The Adventure Playground, looked at the river and went to the dog park. Students drew diagrams and collected data about each landmark determining if it was natural, constructed and/or managed.
WELLBEING : Understanding different perspectives, zones across the day body mapping and R U Ok activity.
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our ‘Term 3 Students Of the Week’. We are looking forward to celebrating with our future ‘Student of the Week’ children in Term 4!
Reminder- This Friday is an early assembly, as it is the end of Term 3. No student of the week presentations this week.
Term 4 is ‘No Hat, No Play’. Please remember to label all clothing now that the warmer weather is arriving.
It is suggested that sunscreen is applied prior to school. Sunscreen is applied at school at Lunch Eating Time. Please email your teacher if your child is sensitive to our sunscreen and provide us with a sunscreen labelled with your child’s name if required.