What's happening in our learning spaces?

FLW | Patricia -For taking great care with the way your Information Report about Koalas was written. Your letter formation when writing on the dotted third lines is just amazing! Excellent effort, Patricia! |
FAP | Kenzo -For his amazing focus and determination during all learning activities. Kenzo strives to achieve his very best, producing great work! What an outstanding attitude! Well done! |
FAM | Julian -For confidently sharing your wonderful information text about Koalas and your Cheetah habitat at our Celebration of Learning. You are a star! |
1/2VS | Deniz -For being a wonderful learner and completing lots of learning tasks with enthusiasm. You are a star! |
1/2VK | Axil -For demonstrating enthusiasm and positivity towards your learning! Well done and keep it up Amazing Axil! |
3/4BP | Clara -For her diligent research when locating and recording information about Planet Earth. Clever Clara! |
3/4SH | Whole class -For their exceptional effort and determination in Literacy this term. Our spelling, handwriting, creative writing and information reports are improving every week. Keep up the amazing work 3/4SH! |
5/6OS | Sam -For being an enthusiastic learner who takes initiative and makes interesting contributions to discussions, particularly when engaging in our Literature Circle book Holes. Spectacular Sam! Alfie -For working diligently and demonstrating persistence when tackling challenging division problems and representing remainders as whole numbers and decimals. Awesome Alfie |
5/6BZ | Violet -For being a curious and persistent mathematical thinker. You have demonstrated exceptional skills when using division with decimal remainders. Valuable Violet! Joseph -For writing a creative, descriptive and engaging narrative about the Magic Swan. I hope your collapsed factory roof is able to get repaired. Jovial Joseph! |
5/6MC | Ava -For your exceptional effort and focus put into division this week, it has been amazing seeing you try your hardest. Well done Ava! Caleb -For being a curious learner in 5/6MC throughout all areas of learning. It is great to see you challenge thinking and ask questions to look for deeper meaning/understanding. Thanks for keeping me on my toes! Well done Caleb! |
Maths | Akira -For all your great work with time problems. You have worked so well on all the problems presented and showed your working out clearly. Congratulations Akira |
What a fantastic turnout of parents, grandparents and carers who came to view our fantastic Celebration of Learning last Thursday and Friday! We very proudly shared the habitats we created, along with a written summary about the animals that live in them. It was also wonderful to share the Chicken Journals that we wrote in each day when our chicks visited our learning spaces earlier in the term. There was so much new information that we could share and explain to everyone! Even our buddies and the other year levels and teachers joined us in our learning spaces to see all of our fantastic creations and discoveries.
As writers, we finished our good copies of our Information Texts on living things and shared these with our families and peers at the Celebration of Learning. We are now focusing on our handwriting and letter formation. As thinkers, we have been working hard to place our letters on the dotted thirds using correct sizing and letter formation. We will continue to practise this over the coming weeks.
We encourage further consolidation of this at home to help build students’ confidence when writing on the dotted thirds. If you require lined paper, please reach out.
As mathematicians, we have been learning about Capacity. We discovered that Capacity is how much something can hold! We explored containers of all different shapes and sizes and used water and unifix blocks to measure their capacity. The tallest was not always the one that held the most. We also made Munching Monsters! We had to estimate how ‘hungry’ our monsters were and then measure using unifix blocks. We then compared these with our peers, Munching Monsters, to see which ones held less or more. We had so much fun exploring Capacity!
Dates to remember:
- Tuesday 17th September: All Foundation classes to attend Parish Mass at 9:15 am with our Year 5/6 Buddies. Parents are welcome to attend Mass
- Thursday 19th September- Footy Day and Hot Food Day (Hot Dogs and Jam donuts) Please order by 5 pm Sunday 15th September via QuickCliq
- Friday 20th September- 1:00 pm Finish for the end of Term 3
We hope you have a wonderful week!
Leanne Wenckowski, Alex Phillips and Alycia Marsico,
Foundation Team
YEAR 1/2
It has been yet another busy week of learning in the Year 1/2 cohort! It has been wonderful to see the students making lots of progress with their reading, writing and number knowledge. Each day brings lots of new learning opportunities, and it is exciting to see how engaged the students are in Week 9. Two more weeks to go!
As readers and writers, we have been continuing to consolidate different sounds. We have brainstormed lists of words, created sentences and engaged in dictation. Seeing how engaged the students are in learning about different sounds each week has been wonderful. This week, the spelling patterns are ere, air, and digraphs oy and oi.
We have also revisited our knowledge of noun groups.
As people of a faith learning community, we have been exploring the scripture story, ‘On the Road to Emmaus’. Throughout the week, we have listened to different versions of the story, including the version from the bible from the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35. We also had the chance to listen to the stories that come before and after so that we have more context of what was happening during this time.
We also watched a video and observed images that relate to the story. Each time we engage with the story, we extend our thinking in a different way. As thinkers, we have used the strategy of visualisation to represent a part of the story that speaks out to us. Through class discussions, we have developed wonderings to share our curiosities and have been able to step inside and consider the thinking of the disciples during this time.
On Tuesday, 1/2VS participated in a class mass together with 5/6BZ. It was a wonderful way to take time during our busy learning week to be with God and reflect on our Catholic faith tradition. We commend the readers and the students who took the bread and wine to the altar. The students in the congregation were respectful and mindful and responded to all of the prayers beautifully.
1/2 Team
Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis and Vivian Boggis
YEAR 3/4
As writers, we continue to engage in locating and recording information from reliable sources to create an informative information text on planet Earth. Some students have begun editing their paragraphs in order to begin the process of publishing.
As mathematicians, we have been learning how to tell the time to the nearest minute and solve time-elapsed problems using efficient strategies. With support from Mrs Monaghan, we have been engaging in a variety of learning opportunities to help us understand the concept of time.
As inquirers, we explored the Solar System on a deeper level by utilising the MERGE CUBES. We were able to hold the solar system in the palm of our hands with the Galactic Explorer application! We watched the planets revolve around the Sun in their orbits, explored the texture and colour of each planet’s surface and discovered new interesting facts.
Year 3/4 Maths Games Day
This is a reminder that the Year 3/4 students will be engaging in a Maths Games Day held on Tuesday, 17th September. Your child was given a note last week outlining what the day will look like and if any parents would like to support us throughout the day. Please only return the bottom section of the note if you are available on this day. Thank you to the parents who have already done this!
Have a lovely week!
Year 3/4 Teachers
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
YEAR 5/6
On Tuesday, we had a helping hand from Healthy Harold. This was where we explored being safe online. We explored a range of contemporary issues, including recognising the clues that warn us about unsafe behaviours and learning how to react to risks and report problems online.
This week in STEM, students had a blast using iPads and LEGO Spike Essential kits to create their very own robots! After assembling their robots, they dove into coding, programming their creations to follow a specific path. It was incredible to see their robots come to life, navigating twists and turns with precision and showcasing their newfound skills in robotics and coding. What an exciting way to blend creativity with technology!
Congratulations to the girls Bat Tennis team who played a very strong game of Bat Tennis against Coburg West Primary. Your dedication and teamwork was commendable, congratulations to the runners up, well done Olivia, Stella, Angelina, Poppy, Makayla, Dianna, Estelle, Mia, Eliana and Scarlett.
5/6BZ attended class Mass on Tuesday. Thank you to all who attended with us, and well done to the students who had readings.
Congratulations to 5/6MC; your assembly was fantastic! We especially enjoyed the video. We hope to see you this Friday for 5/6BZ's assembly.
What’s on this week:
Tuesday, 10/09 - Stem MAD
Friday 13/09 - BZ Assembly
Friday, 13/09 - 11:00 am Softball Team Final @ Shore Reserve
We hope you have a wonderful week!
The 5/6 Team,
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut