Stephanie Alexander  Garden

Sustainability Competition

Good morning we recently entered a competition with the Rockhampton Regional Council, and we won very exciting.

" North Rockhampton Special School recently entered into Rockhampton Regional Council’s Sustainability in Action Photo Competition. Congratulations! Your school is has won Sustainability Champion for ‘Green gift giving’. As  Sustainability Champion, your school will be awarded $200 to support future sustainability actions within your school and a school sustainability pack will be presented at an upcoming school assembly. 

Presentation of Prizes 

We will be back in contact soon to confirm your presentation date and time from Rockhampton Regional Council Councillors at an upcoming school assembly.

"Great work by our Deputy Sam who has been instrumental in setting all this up and encouraging us all to be more aware of our environment, and our amazing staff who have helped her.

The Rockhampton Regional Council Sustainability in Action Photo Competition is designed to recognise and celebrate the ways our local households and schools are putting sustainability into action in their everyday lives.


The Soil Arrived

Yesterday we had a truck arrive with some soil for the gardens and to fill up the planter boxes. Foreman Matthew helped the driver back the load in and made sure it was delivered to the correct place. Thanks Matthew!

Some pictures of our Staff and Students Working in our garden


Wheelbarrow Licences

Today Wednesday 28th August our students had to complete an obstacle course while pushing their wheelbarrow to obtain their wheelbarrow licence. All students had a great time with lots of spills and fun.