5/6 WG

Week 9 of Term 3... I can't believe we are already near the end of the term! It has been an extremely busy term with lots of learning and fun.
Education in Faith
This term students have been learning about the Parable of the Lost Sheep. The students created their own artwork that depicts the key message from the Parable. We are so proud of all of the artwork and descriptions that the students created!
Maths - Measurement and Geometry
The past two weeks we have been learning about Mass and Capacity. The students have enjoyed engaging in a lot of hands on activities to practise these skills.
Science week activities
The students conducted two experiments - “Shaving Cream Rain Clouds and Magic Milk”. They used the materials to witness the experiment and then they wrote a procedure of the steps they took to complete the task!
Book Week Parade
It was great to see almost every student dress up for our book week parade! There was so many amazing costumes and the students had an amazing day. Thank you to the many parents who came along to the parade, it was nice to see so such support for our amazing students.
Learning is magic
This week we have been celebrating all things science and book week! On Wednesday we listened to the story, ‘The Concrete Garden’ and the students worked together to create a chalk mural!
Thank you for an amazing Term 3! With just one week left, we wish you all a fantastic holiday and look forward to seeing you refreshed and ready for the final term of the year!
Mr Will & Miss Georgia