Year 5 & 6

Around our level

Welcome back to Term 4! 


This term is always an exciting and busy time with lots happening for both Year 5 and Year 6 students. Students in Year 5 are currently writing and illustrating a personalised Christmas story for their Prep buddy, and some of the Year 5 students are considering applying for leadership roles next year. For the next five weeks, the Year 5 students will be participating in a leadership course on Thursday afternoons with Mrs Haysom, learning about what it means to be a leader. At Yarra Road, we emphasise that all Year 6 students are school leaders and we also have captaincy roles - school captains, school vice captains, junior school council captains and house captains. 

This term, we are very fortunate to be welcoming back Nicky Rogers, who is a STEM Research Assistant from Monash University, to run a coding and technology program with our Year 6 students - more information in coming newsletters. 


Students in Year 6 are very much looking forward to their Graduation and end-of-year Fun Day at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre on Thursday 12th December. Many students are looking forward to our whole-school swimming and water safety program in early December. 


This week, we commenced our author study on Shaun Tan, an Australian Author born in Fremantle, Western Australia. Our focus books are Cicada, The Lost Thing, The Rabbits and Rules of Summer. 


All students are looking forward to our Christmas Concert and the Year 6 students will, as in previous years, perform the same song they sang in Prep. 


Later in the term, all students will be designing and making a range of craft items to sell at our Bizarre Bazaar, as part of our Economics and financial mathematics program. All profits will go to supporting the impeccable work of the Salvation Army. 


In addition to all of these wonderful activities and events, the students will be working hard to improve their reading, writing and mathematics skills in preparation for 2025. 

Make a cuppa and enjoy reading about what our students are looking forward to in Term 4.



I am really excited to find out my class for next year and becoming a Year 6 student. Who isn't excited about being older and getting bomber jackets?? I am also excited to go to the swimming program we have every year.  I like being able to swim in closed water instead of a lake like I normally do! I am super excited about Christmas because of the Christmas crafts. I can't wait for Year 6 but I will miss my Year 6 friends from this year.

Kaylea R


I’m looking forward to the big day out, going in a limo to the graduation,  Bizarre Bazaar,  swimming and everyone signing my graduation teddy bear.

Oscar M


Oh my goodness! I am so stoked for graduation! I can't believe it's finally here! My forever last term of primary school! Although it could be a sad term, it will also be a happy one. Happy tears! I have been looking for a good graduation dress since the start of term 3 now, and guess what? I still haven't found one yet! Wish me luck at finding one I guess. We did the Bizarre Bazaar last year, but it was definitely a highlight of the year, so doing another one this year is also exciting. I wonder who I will be paired up with? 

Pippa R



l'm looking forward to Christmas because we hand our buddies our Christmas stories that we made. I'm also looking forward to the Colour Run this term and getting coated in lots of coloured powder. I can't wait till Stepping Up and to see who is in my classroom for next year.

Kade J


I'm looking forward to the high school orientation day because we get to spend the day at our high school for Year 7. I’m really looking forward to the Year 6 Graduation. I’m also looking forward to the Year 6 fun day at the end of the year when we go to MSAC. 

Kai H


I'm excited for the Colour Run because I like seeing the teachers get slime dumped on them. I'm also excited for Christmas Carols because I like seeing my friends sing, it's really funny. 

Sophie R


I am looking forward to Halloween on October 31st. It's a lot of fun because I dress up and go trick or treating with friends. The Year 6 fun day at MSAC should also be lots of fun. And of course I’m looking forward to the last day of school.

Charlie E-D


I'm looking forward to the colour run because this year I get to run with my buddy. I'm also looking forward to the Christmas concert because I love hanging out with my friends and performing.

Imogen A


I'm REALLY excited for this term because it is my last term and we do so many fun things, but the thing I'm most excited for is Graduation. We get to dress up all nicely and eat and I'm also excited for MSAC. MSAC is a place where the Year 6s go on near the end of the year. MSAC is a swimming place with water slides.

Luca C


I am looking forward to the leadership program/training because I want to apply for a captain role; house captain or school. I wonder what the colour run will be like this year? It always has different colours and routes. I am also excited about sport, we are doing dodgeball and capture the flag in houses at the moment.

Oliver O


I am looking forward to this term to go to MSAC because it will be fun with all my friends when we are in the swimming pool. Also swimming week because my goal for that is to try to get into the highest grade of swimming so it's a bit harder for me so I can learn a bit more.  

Cooper S

Celebrating our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


56A - Mrs Freene 

Alyssa D

For continually being a respectful student. 


56B - Mr Hanley

Hunter W

For writing a very creative Christmas buddy story.


Belle F

For showing kindness by drawing a beautiful picture of a cat for her teacher! 


56C - Mrs Haysom

Luca R

For his positive attitude towards learning. 


Giselle A

For always offering to help out. 

Mrs Freene
Mr Hanley
Mrs Haysom
Mrs Freene
Mr Hanley
Mrs Haysom