Year 3 & 4 

Around our level

Last term, the 3/4 level worked on a sustainability project led by Mrs Tonna. We collected cans and drink containers from school, including those from special day lunch orders, and counted and recycled them! We received 10c from every item collected and managed to raise $94.20.


The money that we raised is going to be used to create an Indigenous garden bed in the fenced-off area of the Sanctuary. Ms Ross was able to source some fantastic native plants from All Inclusive Nurseries and CRISP (Community of Ringwood Indigenous Species Plant) Nursery, which we will plant next week during Tree-Planting Day. Every student will have the opportunity to plant something. 

Here are some quotes from the Year 3/4 students who have helped with our project:


I think it is great that we are replacing all the plants in the Sanctuary so people can enjoy them in the future.

-Victoria C


All of those cans would normally be wasted, so it is great that they are being recycled.

-Vodhini C


Mrs Tonna made us empty ALL of the liquid out of the cans so they wouldn't leak in her car!

-Parkah H


Littering is so bad for the Earth. It is good to know all these cans will be reused.

-Sophia S


It was a bit disgusting sometimes, but really worth it.

-Charlee B


We were responsible for getting all the cans from the junior classrooms too. 



It wasn’t always easy. We had to collect, wash and return all of the buckets to every classroom.

-Lola O


We collected a lot more than I thought. Mrs Tonna had mountains of cans!

-Jordan V

Celebrating our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


34B - Mrs Pagliaro

Poppy C

For creating brilliant worded problems to represent multiplication equations. 


34C - Mr Smith & Mrs Tonna

Poppy B

For being focused and making an excellent start to Term 4. 

Mrs Macrae
Mrs Pagliaro
Mr Smith
Mrs Tonna
Mrs Macrae
Mrs Pagliaro
Mr Smith
Mrs Tonna