Year 1 & 2

Around our level


Our reading and writing focus for the start of Term 4 has been an author’s study. We are reading a variety of books by Bob Graham and are enjoying completing various activities based on the books.


We have begun the term learning about division and we have been using counters, blocks, teddies etc. to show sharing between groups.

In Measurement, we have been learning about mass and comparing the mass of objects by identifying them as being ‘light’, ‘lighter’ and ‘lightest’, or ‘heavy’, ‘heavier’, and ‘heaviest’. 


Integrated Studies and Wellbeing

For Geography lessons, students have been learning about local places to Yarra Road Primary School. They have considered whether they live locally to the school and what places are local to where they live. 

In Wellbeing lessons, students have been learning about interests that they may have and appreciating that others may have different interests to  them. 


We love learning about Bob Graham and reading his books.


Paityn E: Bob Graham is an Australian author and illustrator who has written many books, actually more than 50! His story themes are about everyday things.


Lucy S: Bob Graham wrote his first book when he was 40.


Winnie B: He has written more than 50 books!


Ruhani G: His books are all about imagination and everyday things.


Cooper K: My favourite book is Ellie’s Dragon.


Jett T: Lots of his books are about kids with imaginary friends.


Ashton M: We read “How to Heal a Broken Wing” and then made origami pigeons.

Celebrating our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


12A - Mrs Pfander & Mrs James 

Raiden L 

For always including others and being kind to everyone!


12B - Miss Stevens

Maddi D

For putting your best effort into your 'abandoned bus' writing activity and using talking marks in your writing! Well done!


12C - Ms Van Loenen & Miss Grogan 

Clarke W

For fantastic story writing. Great work Clarke!


Mei H

For reading more than 200 times at home since the beginning of the year. Amazing!

Mrs Pfander
Mrs James
Miss Stevens
Mrs Van Loenen
Miss Grogan
Mrs Pfander
Mrs James
Miss Stevens
Mrs Van Loenen
Miss Grogan