Out and About the School

Grandparents and Mercy Day


Jump Rope for Heart 

Friday 20th September saw the jump off event to celebrate the end of Jump Rope For Heart. The students were excited to showcase the skills they have learnt over the last 5 weeks including forwards, backwards, criss cross, double-unders, pretzels, long rope and double dutch skipping! Everyone was able to improve their skipping skills and stamina and were proud of the skills they learnt. A big thank you to Leisa Shortis for bringing the music and the encouragement over the 5 weeks! 

St Xavier’s raised over $8000 for Jump Rope for Heart which is an outstanding result and hopefully will help them with their important heart research.  We had also set the target of logging 40 hours of skippingthroughout the program, and we are proud to announce that we more than doubled that target with 95 hours in total!

Thank you to everyone that participated to make this such a success. 



Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!

2024 School Magazine 

It is that time of year again when we are seeking expressions of interest for local businesses to advertise in our 2024 School Magazine. If you would like to have your business advertised please use the below link. 


School Magazine Advertising Form 


Students commence Term 4 on Tuesday 15 October.  We look forward to seeing everyone back refreshed and ready to learn.