Learning and Teaching

Maths Olympiad Celebrations

This year we have had 43 students from Years 4, 5 and 6 participate in the APSMO Maths Olympiad. This program is designed to extend highly capable maths students to further develop their problem solving strategies, foster their creativity and strengthen their intuition, whilst stimulating enthusiasm and enjoyment of mathematics.


Students competed in 4 challenges throughout Terms 2 and 3. Each challenge involved them using a range of problem solving strategies and their exceptional maths skills to independently solve 5 problems in 30 minutes. These challenges require them to be resilient and develop a Growth Mindset towards difficult maths problems which they may not have encountered previously. 


I am extremely proud of their positive attitudes and achievements throughout the program. To celebrate their hard work and dedication to challenging themselves during the Maths Olympiad, we asked Frank and Mr Wood to help us cook pizzas in the garden. It was lots of fun and the pizzas were delicious! 


Emma Davies

Maths Leader