From the Acting Principal

A Reflection
On Monday our teachers participated in a Professional Development Day, led by Jo-anne Van der Voort, from DOBCEL. Our Prayer began with a request to find a photo on our phones from the holidays (last two weeks) that held special meaning for us.
Take a moment to scroll through your phone. Which photo have you chosen?
We were then invited to share our photo with the other people at our table and explain why we chose it.
When sharing, we discovered the photo we had each chosen was of our families enjoying a special time together.
As you thank God for the joy of your family, I invite you to consider families and communities less fortunate than ours—those whose lives are adversely affected by our choices.
October is 'Mission Month' for Catholic Christians and at St Pat's we focus on actions we can take to support those experiencing poverty through fundraising in partnership with Caritas.
Dear Families,
Before we look to the term ahead, firstly, I want to thank our staff for going 'above and beyond' in the final week of Term 3 to transform our school into a beautiful Art Gallery.
Next, thank you to our students, whose talents shone through their artwork. It's always a delight to see how one artist creates and forms an image in their style - uniquely different from another's. Finally, thank you parents for your presence which made our gallery buzz. In purchasing dots, you were able to secure 'artwork for home' while assisting with the cost of hiring our display boards - which we couldn't do without.
SRC - Our Call to Mission
See Calendar for dates.
As has been our tradition (pre-covid and renovations) we are excited to be running our SRC-organised House Mission Stalls.
Each Thursday for the next three weeks, students from each house, will work with others or independently to provide a service, create crafts, raffles, games or donate preloved toys to raise funds. This year we are not selling food. There may be a couple of 'guess how many lollies in a jar' competitions and some other prizes may consist of a wrapped sweet (no lollipops please).
The students prepare in their own time and at home. We encourage the use of resources already available and do not want adults to purchase extra supplies. Items range between 10c and 50c and students are encouraged to bring no more than $2.00 each week (preferably in silver coins).
We had House Meetings on Tuesday to share ideas and guidelines. Classroom teachers will continue to give advice. Have a chat at home about ideas and possibilities - keeping it simple.
If you haven't watched the video created to advertise Socktober, I invite you to head to St Patrick's Primary Ballarat - Facebook page scroll down a little or go to the reels.
Over the next two weeks, you might like to make a sock puppet or crazy socks using craft ideas and old or 'not favourite' socks. Students may bring these in or wear them on Thursday 24th October.
Start sending any old, holey, or odd socks to school, as we plan to make Socker balls with them to experience the types of games played by children who don't have access to the resources we do.
100th Year Celebrations
The 25th of October is fast approaching. Don't miss out on your opportunity to catch up with past and present members of our school Community. To book tickets please follow this link. There have been great photos emerging to share in the evening - if you have any past photos you'd like displayed please email them through.
On the 22nd of November, we will celebrate our Centenary with our current students and families. Students can either dress in an 'old uniform style outfit' or simply the type of clothes children wore in the 1920s.
Classes will contribute to a Time Capsule and we will celebrate Mass at 12:00 pm at the Cathedral and have a picnic lunch back at school afterwards.
More information will be provided in future issues of The Drum.
Save the Date
Our Semester 1 Celebration of Learning morning was a great success and received glowing feedback from those who attended. We will be holding a Semester 2 Celebration of Learning morning on Wednesday 4th December between 9-10am.
Welcome to the World Little One
Congratulations to Kate, Ben and big brother Tommy on the arrival of
Charlie Robert Mahon - born on the 18th of September. We look forward to meeting little Charlie when he is ready to visit.
Summer Uniform
Students are now required to wear their full summer school uniform. You can find further information about the appropriate uniform items here. A reminder that we are a Sun Smart school and expect that all students wear a hat for outside play, activities and excursions throughout term 4 and 1.
2025 Dates and Fees
Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) is running a parent survey in partnership with the University of New England on Student Wellbeing and Learning and are seeking your perspective as parents/carers of children who attend a Catholic School in Australia.
You are invited to share your views on existing and emerging affirmations and/or challenges in relation to your child/children’s wellbeing and learning.
The survey is anonymous, confidential, and completely voluntary.
For more information about the study and to participate go here.
Thank you for your support.
This week you'll find extra information on Respectful Relationships.
Initiating conversations about respectful relationships with children is crucial for their emotional and social development. By addressing topics like kindness, empathy, and communication, parents create a foundation for healthy interactions. These discussions promote awareness of boundaries, consent, and mutual understanding, fostering a safe environment where children can thrive. Teaching respect from an early age equips kids with essential skills to navigate friendships and romantic relationships, building a future based on empathy and equality. Open dialogues about respect empower children to recognise and value their own feelings and those of others, cultivating a positive and harmonious approach to all relationships.
Click on the link below to access a wealth of videos, articles, and resources on the aforementioned topic.
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Kind regards,
Thea Hubble