Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 1 Week 2- 7th February 2024

The Preps have had a wonderful and calm start to their school journey. It has been lovely to spend time getting to know each student and allow them the time to begin to form friendships and feel safe and secure in their new classroom. 


Week 1 was spent getting to know you activities and building our school and classroom culture. They were introduced to the 7 habits and we have begun to use the language of being Proactive and making Proactive choices. Students have set their academic and Personal WIGS (Widely Important Goal) for Term 1. In Week 2, the students starters\ed their learning. We have had maths, literacy, PE, AUSLAN and Art. in addition to meeting many new teachers! So, no doubt there will be a few tired preps


It has been lovely getting to know the students on a 1:1 basis and I am looking forward to this continuing throughout.  I have many exciting things planned for the term however at the moment I am taking it slow and allowing them to feel safe, secure and supported in their new classroom.


Shellie, Beth and I are extremely proud of all Preps and they way they have transitioned to school.  


What we are learning!


We are starting off our maths slowly with numbers to five. Exploring numerals, collections and words.  As the weeks progress we will be working with higher numbers.  Once I have assessed all students in their 1:1 maths assessment I will be able to extend and provide support to those that require it.  



Our literacy sessions run from 9.10am right through until 11.30am (with some brain breaks and fruit snack times in there). 

During this time, the Preps have been learning some prewriting signs and activities. We will shortly begin letter formation.  

We have been starting our daily phonic lesson and learning new skills and the different letter sounds that a letter can make.   

We have also begun a novel on the author Julia Donaldson, We have read the Gruffalo which is proving very popular. We have been discussing the various characters throughout the story. We will focus on a different Julia Donaldson text  each week this term. 


Leader In me:

We have already spent a lot of time learning all about the 7 habits. We have synergised by playing together and cleaning up as a team. And we have been proactive by being in charge of our own bodies, and making sure that we are always making good and safe choices. We will continue to remind Preps to make positive choices in and out of the classroom.  



This term our Inquiry subject is Personal and Social Capabilities. We will learn about our emotions and how we can be the best version of ourselves, hence; Sharpening the Saw (habit 7). This week, we have learnt about having a growth mindset, and the power of yet. At home, you can talk about how you may not be able to do something yet, but with time, practise and positive thinking, you will be able to do anything you set your mind to.


Specialist timetable: 

This is subject to change when the Preps begin full time at school. 

Monday: PE (Preps can wear black runners to school for the whole day)

Tuesday: Library (The preps borrow books however we keep these at school)

Wednesday: NO SCHOOL FOR PREP  1:1 Numeracy and Literacy assessment

(Please see compass for your child’s timeslot). 

Thursday: Art/Culture, AUSLAN 

Friday: PMP 



Important reminders:

  • Term 1 is a hat term please ensure your child has a school hat to wear for recess and lunchtime outside play
  • Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt) and fruit or vegetables.
  • Daily we have a fruit break, we kindly ask that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time.
  • Please have your child’s drink bottle filled with water only.
  • Please ensure that every item of clothing, including lunch boxes are clearly labelled.
  • Please make sure your child has a spare change of clothes in the bags, just in case.
  • Please be aware of your booking time for your child’s literacy and numeracy testing on a Wednesday.

Foundation Photos: