Peer Support

General Introduction to the Peer Support Program
Over the next 8 weeks students will be involved in the Peer Support Program. Each week, groups of 8-10 students meet Peer Leaders from Year 11 to work through a range of activities that focus on values, respect and communication skills. It is hoped that in sessions each student will clarify personal values, respect themselves and others, recognise the importance of integrity and discuss ways of positively influencing peers and community. Meeting in small groups allows meaningful connections to form, helping students with the transition to secondary school. You might like to discuss sessions with your child each week.
Week 1 - Working Together
Key content:
Creating a safe space
Problem solving
Exploring influence
During the first session students work with others to solve problems. This involves listening, being respectful, including others and speaking up. These are all worthwhile life skills.
Students also explore positive and negative influences. Negative influence can convince a person to do things that potentially places them/others in harm’s way. Positive influence inspires, supports, helps us achieve our goals. Knowing the difference is an important skill.
Students show others in group they are important by including and encouraging them. They practice supporting each other and learn they achieve more when recognising the value of working together.
Week 2 - Needs
Key content:
Decision making
Listening to and understanding points of view different to our own can be interesting. Sometimes it can confirm beliefs and opinions, at other times it can influence or challenge what we think. Knowing how to respond respectfully during disagreement or negotiation and how to come to consensus, are important skills students work on Students also explore basic human needs.