School News

Dear parents, families and friends,


Welcome to the 2025 school year. To all new families and students to our school in Prep and across the other grade levels, a very warm and heartfelt welcome to St. Augustine's. To all existing families and students, welcome back. We are looking forward to an exciting and busy year. We have lots of big things and special events planned during the year. Upon writing this, the Preps have completed 5 days of school. They have 95 to go to reach 100 Days of Prep. Once again our Year 6 students begin their final year of primary school, full of anticipation for the special highlights and events that are an integral part of the Year 6.


On Sunday past, 2nd February, we celebrated the Feast of the Presentaion of the Lord. This feast marks the end of the Christmas Season, having lasted 40 days from Christmas Day. It is important to know that Christmas lasts longer than just Christmas Day and Boxing Day or even the Feast of the Epiphany on 5th January. This draws to a close the events of the infancy of Jesus. From this point on in the life of Jesus we don't hear anything about his life until He begins his ministry 30 years later. For the Catholic Church we know enter into Ordinary Time for the next few weeks before we begin Lent on Ash Wednesday.


120th Annivesary of our School Building 1 Admin (The St Mary MacKillop Building)

This year Building 1, administration, now named the St Mary MacKillop Building celebrates its 120th Anniversary. St. Augustine's Primary school was opened in 1894, with classes being held in the wooden church that existed on the site of the main classroom building. With growing enrolments, funds were raised to build a larger building dedicated solely to the school in 1905.


Jubilee Year - Pilgrims of Hope

In this Year of Jubilee, called the Pilgrims of Hope, the Pope encourages us to be pilgrims of hope, to go on a journey of reflection and conversion to come closer to God. A Pilgrimage is an experience of conversion, of transforming one's very being to conform it to the holiness of God. During the pilgrimage, one also shares in the experience of those who, for various reasons, are forced to leave their homelands to seek a better life for themselves and their family. Let us express our gratitude for all our blessings and collectively hope for a happy, safe, and fulfilling year ahead.

At the end of this term I will be joining many of my principal colleagues from the Western Region on a 15 day Pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey, following in the footsteps of St. Paul. We will learn more about the life and trials of St. Paul as well deepening our own faith. Towards the end of our pilgrimage we will also visit Gallipoli, allowing us to connect more deeply with our Australian story and heritage.



This term our Year 3 and 5 students will undertake the yearly national testing in Literacy and Mathematics. They will complete 4 tests; Reading, Spelling & Grammar, Writing and Mathematics. The testing must be completed between the 12th to the 20th March, this includes catch-up days for students who are absent on the set days. More details will be available shortly. The NAPLAN is a measure of individual student performance and growth, however we also use it to identify areas of need and to inform school directions in curriculum focus and implementation.


Sacraments 2025

We will begin shortly preparing those students who will be receiving the Sacraments  of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. An Operoo form was sent to families at the end of last year to confirmation which sacraments their children will be receiving. If you missed this communication or are a new enrolment to our school and your childern need to receive any of these sacraments, please let the school know either via the classroom teacher, Catherine in the office or myself. There will be a change to the sacramental program this year as all sacraments will be completed by the end of June. A detailed overview of the program that includes reflection days, family workshops and the celebration of the sacraments will be available soon.

If there are any families seeking baptism for their children (school age) we can also assist you with this process.


Phones and Smart Watches

Just an important reminder that all students with mobile phones and smart watches (digital connectivity with call, sms and email capabilities) need to be checked into the office upon arrival and collected at the end of the day at dismissal. If any student wants to keep check and tally of their step count during the day for fitness reasons, then I suggest a simple step counter device that only does that. If students want to wear a watch, then it needs to be a simple digital or analogue wristwatch. Previously we have allowed smart watches and similar devices if they had parental locks activated, however, we have had some instances of locks not being activated and even parents attempting to make contact with their children during the day. We thank you for your understanding and support with this.


Prep Family Wine & Cheese Night

Wednesday 12th February from 5.30pm to 7.30pm will be the annual Prep Parent Wine & Cheese Night. All Prep parents are welcomed and encouraged to attend. You will have an opportunity to meet and socialise with the other parents and with school staff. In a change from tradition, all school staff will be in attendance, allowing parents to meet all staff, putting names to faces. A reminder that this is an adults only event.



Family Picnic

Our annual start of year Family Picnic will be held on Wednesday 18th February from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. This will now be a dry event. To be aligned with MACS policies and directions about events involving students, the family picnic must now be a non-alcoholic event. All families are invited to bring their picnic rugs and chairs, as well as snacks, dinner and soft drinks. All new families to our school are especially invited and encouraged to attend as this will provide the opportunity to meet and socialise with other families.


School Advisory Council

The first meeting for the School Advisory Council will be Tuesday 18th February at 7.00pm.


Key Dates 2025

Below are the key dates and events for this year. There may be some changes and more events added as the year progresses.

Wed/Thurs 12 & 13 Feb. 3:30pm-5.00pm (Wed) & 1.30pm-7.00pm (Thurs)- Learning Conversations

Wed 12 Feb - Prep Wine & Cheese Night - 5.30pm-7.30pm

Wed 19 Feb - Family Picnic 5:30pm-7:30pm

Thurs/Fri 20/21 Feb Matt Out (Principal Conference: Geelong)

Tues 25 Feb - Western Zone Mass for School Staff- 4.30pm (at St James in Hoppers Crossing)

Thur 27 Feb - Leadership Team out - School Improvement Vision for Instruction

Fri 28 Feb - School Closure - Respectful Relationships Professional Development

Tues 4 Mar - School Photos

Wed 5 Mar - Ash Wednesday Mass 10:30 am - All family members welcome

Thur/Fri 6/7 Mar - PSG’s 

12-20 Mar - Naplan Testing for Year 3 and 5 students

Fri 14 Mar School Closure - Berry Street Education Model PD (onsite)

Fri 21 Mar - Colour Run

Sat 22 Mar - Open Day 12-3pm

Wed 26 Mar - Fri 11 April: Matt out - Pilgrimage

Fri 4 Apr - Last day of term - 1.15pm Dismissal


Tue 22 Apr - Term 2 Commences

Fri 25 ANZAC Day

Mon 5 May - Combined School Event, Mass 10.15am, Sausage Sizzle lunch & movie

Thurs 8 May -  Leadership Team out - School Improvement PD

Fri 9 May - Mother’s Day Breakfast

Tues 20 May - Leadership Team Dinner and Guest Speaker 6pm (Holiday Inn)

Thurs/Fri 29/30 May Swimming P-4

Wed 4 June - John Burland concert 9am

Thurs 5 June - Feast of the Sacred Heart 9.15am

Thurs 5 June - Swimming P-4

Fri 6 June - School Closure - First Aid Training

Mon 9 June - KING'S Birthday Public Holiday

Wed 11 June - Whole School Athletics

Thurs/Fri 12/13 - June Swimming P-4

Thurs/Fri 19/20 - June Swimming P-4

Thurs/Fri 26/27 - June Swimming P-4

Fri 27th June - Semester One Reports Published

Tue/Wed 1 & 2 July: 3:30-5pm (Tue) & 2.00-7.30pm (Wed) Learning Conversations

Thurs 3 July: Grandparents Day Mass 9.15

Fri 4 Jul - Last day of term - 1.15pm Dismissal


Mon 21 Jul - Term 3 Commences

Tues-Thurs 22-24 Jul- Yr 5/6 Camp (Mt Buller)

Sat 2 Aug - Parents & Friends Committee Trivia Night

Thurs 7 August - Leadership out - School Improvement PD

Fri 8th August - Feast of Mary Mackillop 10.30am

Fri 15 Aug - Assumption of Mary Mass 10.30am

Thur 28th Aug - Feast of St Augustine’s 9.15am

Fri 29 Aug - School Closure - Berry Street Education Model PD (onsite)

Fri 5 Sept - Father’s Day Breakfast

Tues/Wed 16/17 Sept Art Show: 3:30-6:30 both nights

Fri 19 Sep - Last day of term - 1.15pm dismissal


Mon 6 Oct - Term 4 commences

Sat 18 Oct - Ladies Lunch

Fri 24 Oct - Prep Afternoon 3:30-5pm - Paint & Sip

Thurs 30 Oct - Mission Week Mass 9.15am

Mon 3 Nov - School Closure

Wed - Fri 5/7 Nov - Yr 3/4 Camp (Sovereign Hill)

Fri 14th Nov - Yr 1/2 Sleepover

Thurs 20 Nov Leadership Team out - School Improvement Vision for Instruction

Fri 21 Nov - Prep Orientation #1 & Prep Information Session 9.15-11am

Thurs 27 Nov - Prep Orientation #2 9.15 - 11am

Fri 28 Nov Swimming Carnival Years 3-6 

Thurs 4 Dec - Prep Orientation #3  - 9.15 - 11.00am

Thurs 4 Dec - Christmas Carols  5:30-8pm

Tues 9 Dec - Semester Two Reports Published

Wed 10 Dec - Step up morning Prep to Year 6 2026   9.15am

Thur 11 Dec - End of year Mass 9.15am

Fri 12 Dec - Year 6 Big Day Out TBC

Mon 15 Dec - Graduation 

Tue 16 Dec - Last day of term - 3.15pm dismissal --- Whole school Fun Day TBC

Wed 17, 18, 19 Dec - School Closed



Kinde regards,


Matthew Stead