Student Wellbeing

Encourage your children to develop their wellbeing habits. During our weekly wellbeing lessons, using 'The Resilience Project' , our students will learning about our emotions and how they can make us feel. encourage your children to talk about their feelings- verbally instead of physically supports emotional growth and development.

The importance of emotional literacy

Emotional literacy is important for children because it enables them to understand, manage, and express their emotions in a healthy way. When children recognize and understand emotions in themselves and others, they can navigate their feelings, communicate with others, build empathy, and form meaningful connections. Additionally, it helps children develop a sense of self-awareness and ultimately build up their self-esteem and self-confidence early on. When they're able to recognize and express their emotions, they become more familiar with their strengths and weaknesses.  

Research has shown that compared to children who are unable to understand, identify, and respond to their emotions or emotions of others, those who are emotionally literate tend to:

  • Have greater academic achievement
  • Fight less
  • Cope well with stress and negative emotions
  • Handle being alone well
  • Engage less in self-destructive behaviors
  • Focus better on tasks and control their internal impulses
  • Have better mental health
  • Form healthier relationships with others


Jenny Willmott

Deputy Principal

Student Wellbeing