Important Reminders

Some reminders as we return to SJV Term 1!
School Newsletter
The school newsletter goes home electronically on a Wednesday and is posted to the website on a Thursday.
The newsletter can be translated into other languages.
Late arrivals / Early dismissal/ Finishing time
Students who arrive at their classroom after 8:45am must go to the office for a late pass.
If a student has an appointment, a parent must pick up their child from the office. No parent /carer is to go to the classroom to collect a child without school authorisation.
School concludes at 3:15pm
After School Dismissal/ Pick up
Students will be dismissed at 3:15pm from their class. Students can be picked up from the front gate or back gate/ classrooms. The school takes no responsibility for who picks up the students after school, as their are too many students to track. Please ensure your child knows who will pick them up. If you are unable to pick your child up at 3:15pm, please register for Camp Australia.
Student Absence
If a student is absent please ring the school (8543 4444) and follows the prompts to record a child absence. Please state the child's name and class, the reason for absence, and length of absence if known. If we do not have this information, the school will ring / text a parent/ emergency contacts, to enquire as to a child's whereabouts.
Use of oval after school
Students can only play on the oval after school for a short time if in the care of their parent who must be beside them at all time. Students should not be on the Senior Adventure. Staff are not responsible for after school supervision. The main gate will be locked at 3:30pm.
If KELLY SPORTS are using the oval after school, parents are not to be using the oval.
Kelly Sports
The school allows Kelly Sports the use of the school facilities (oval, basketball area) after school on a Thursday. The school is not in charge of your child should you enrol your child in this activity. Kelly Sports is open to students from Year F -4 on a Thursday 3:15 - 4:20pm.
Private Music Lessons
The school allows a Service Provider Mr Pham to conduct private Music lessons which are held in the Scanlon Building afterschool on Monday / Friday. (Yr 1-6) The school is not in charge of your child should you enrol your child in this activity.
Before School Supervision
There is no staff supervision of students before 8:30am. Parents/ Carers need to be with their child. Please enrol your child in before school care.
Camp Australia
Hours of Service: 6:30am - 8:30am and 3:15pm - 6:30pm in Performing Arts Area
Please register
Customer care team 1300 105 343 (5am - 9pm & Translators avaialable)
No Food Sharing & No Nuts
Students are unable to share food at school or when out at an excursion. We have several students throughout the school who have severe allergies or are anaphylactic. Over half the classes have a student who has a severe reaction to nuts, so we strongly advise families not to include nut products in lunchboxes. If nut products are sent to school parents must inform teachers (each and every time) and the class teacher will ensure the child with the nut product is not eating in the same vicinity from the other students and washes their hands thoroughly .
No Food Treats to share for Birthdays
Our no Food sharing Policy also states that students are not to bring food to share or give out food or teats even for Birthday's or other celebrations: such as lolly bags , cakes etc. If such food is sent to school the teacher will need to send this back home with the student.
If you wish each child to have a gift on your child's birthday perhaps stationery - a pencil, stickers etc
If we are having a school approved morning tea (eg after masses) or special treat we will inform you.
Students should have their school hat and wear it outside at lunch and afternoon recess. Students will also need their hat if engaged in outside activities in Term 1 and 4. (eg PE. lessons) Students should have their own Sun cream which should be attached to/ within their school bag. They should apply sun cream before coming to school and before recesses. Staff can not apply sun cream to students.
Car park Safety
Please obey all speed and parking restrictions. Please ensure that you are particularly careful around drop off and pick up. Please be safe when parking or leaving a car park , conscious of students, toddlers and all community members who may be walking or getting in and out of cars.
No medication should be kept in bags. Ongoing medication is stored at the office.
Should a child require shot term medication, a parent is required to complete and sign medication forms available on our website and from the office.
Please note that no paracetamol can be administered to students by staff without written consent from a approved health practitioner.