Principal Post

Dear Families,
What a sensational start to our 2025 school year at St John Vianney's school! Our students have begun so well; they are enthusiastic and are settling well into classrooms and routines.
They are excited to be with their friends and teachers and no doubt will strengthen their friendships or make new friends across the year!
- This week they began their specialist classes which so many of our students enjoy!
For some students the start of the year may bring some anxiety. I suggest as parents/carers you remain positive, be encouraging and patient!
- Remember you can always talk with your child’s teacher if you have concerns!
- Jenny Willmott is our Deputy Principal and leads our Student Wellbeing so this is another point of call should it be required.
- Student safety and wellbeing is vitally important to all of us at SJV so reach out if you need.
- I encourage you to read the Student Wellbeing page which speaks about emotions and emotional literacy. Last week there was another article about emotions that can often be experienced at the start of a school year.
2025 - School Arrival Time, Gate Opening and Bell Times
Please remember
- that the school gates open at 8.30am.
- The Music (Bell) which signals to enter the classrooms will begin at 8:40am.
- The attendance roll is taken at 8:45am and classes begin at 8:50am
Students who arrive between 8:30am and 8:40am must assemble on the Basketball Court in front of the staff room. There will be a teacher on supervision duty from 8:30am in this area so parents/carers can drop off at the gates or on the basketball court.
- We recognise that this past week it became very congested as students entered the Scanlon or Brigidine buildings to go to their classrooms. This was because too many students entered from the same door. Be assured however we are working with teachers and students to organise the best entrance for each class to enter.
We hope the next couple of weeks we will iron out this issue.
Why the change from entering the classrooms at 8:30 to 8:40am?
- It is to ensure we are meeting the EBA arrangements for staff.
Year 6 Badge Ceremony and Clapping in of Foundation and New students
Please note that this event will be held in the Performing Arts Area beginning at 9:15am.
There will be a Morning Tea in the staffroom following the event. The school will provide the food. Year six students are invited to the Morning Tea in honour of their leadership
Opening School Mass
This will be held on Friday at 9am in the church. Our theme in 2025 is 'Lets Pray'. This theme fits well in this Year of Jubilee 'Pilgrims of Hope'.
SJV Community Carnival
Saturday 29th March 2025 - School Grounds
Meeting online tonight 7pm.
All Welcome!
Dial-in: (US) +1 919-578-5499
PIN: 950 948 301#
This event will be our major school fundraiser for 2025. If you think you can help in any way please contact:
2025 School Photos -
Photo packs have been distributed and orders need to be completed online.
- PHOTOS will be taken next Monday 10th February. Students are to wear Summer Uniform and black shoes, white or grey socks.
- Sibling photos will be taken for those who have placed an order.
- Year 6 students Rugby Tops are still in production and will not be available
Working With Children Check
A reminder to all our parents and grandparents that should you wish to volunteer for our Community Carnival, excursions, as classroom helpers, at sports events (including our House Sports Day) we must have your current Working With Children Check Card on file. If you have one currently, please bring in or email to the office at
Second Hand Uniform
We need DONATIONS of second hand uniforms. If you wish to donate uniform that your child no longer fits please bring these to the office.
Purchasing 2nd Hand Uniform
Just a reminder you can come to the office and have a look at our second hand uniform selection.
Shirts/Shorts/Pants - $5.00 each
Dresses/Jumpers/Jackets - $10.00 each
Cash or EFTPOS payment accepted.