Classroom on show -5/6O

Year 5/6O have had a wonderful start to the year. We have been involved in some 'getting to know you activities' and we are learning the routines and expectations in the senior level.
Here is what we are looking forward to most this year:
Noura: Something I am super excited for is the School Concert (the theme is Night At The Museum). I get to choose the main characters! It will be an amazing experience for all of the students and teachers.
A.K: This year I am very excited to go swimming because I can learn new things.
Ollie: I am really excited to get my Grade Six Rugby Polo because it is a souvenir from this school.
Ethan: I am really excited for School Camp because I get to experience scary/fun things.
Eli: I am looking forward to Book Week because I like dressing up as my favourite book character.
Zac: I am especially excited for the Rugby Jumpers, Year 5/6 Camp and the therapy dog because I'm a dog person.
Kingsley: Something I am looking forward to is the therapy dog coming to school! I am looking forward to this because I would like to see how this would work out, and how it could benefit the school.
Ajooni: I am extremely excited to do Gala Days because I want to participate in a competition against other schools.
Bella: The thing I'm most excited for is going on camp because I get to go with my friends and I haven't gone camping before.
Heidi: I am really eager to see the therapy dog this year because they usually don’t let dogs come to school.
Noah: I am so very excited for our School Photos because I am going to take a photo with my brothers.
Hannah: I am looking forward to Cross Country because I like running.
Zahra: In 2025, I’m looking forward to being the Public Relations Captain because there are many exciting things that captains at SJV get to do!
Jacob: I am extremely up for featuring in a concert for 2025! Hopefully the concert theme is most definitely Dr. Seuss!
Olivia: This year I am very excited for School Camp because I get to go on new adventures, make new friends and sleep in a cabin with my friends.
Stella: I am eagerly excited for the new therapy dog because I like dogs and I think it will be pretty and cute.
Nicholas P: I am looking forward to Gala Day because I want to play different sports.
Alec: I am most looking forward to Year 6’s Big Day Out because it will be SICK!
Hamdan: I am keen to be with my new classmates. I am looking forward to camp, playing dodgeball, Gala Days and much more!
Miranda: One thing I am looking forward to is Year 5/6 Camp because I get to spend time with my friends.
Mackenzie: I am eagerly waiting to experience the 5/6 Camp 2025 because I can’t wait to get out of uniform, but also because I also can share a cabin with my friends!
Nickolas K: This year I’m really looking forward to a great year with School Camp and Gala Days. We get to have great fun at camp and Gala competitions involve playing sports all day!
Dominic: I am up for the challenge to go on School Camp because I have never been on one before.
Matthew: I am excited for camp so I can hang out with friends and do fun activities with friends.