Year Level News
Including Specialist Subjects
Year Level News
Including Specialist Subjects
Please ensure you have processed all consents and payments on your Compass portal to guarantee your child's participation in all upcoming incursions and excursions.
If your child is unable to attend any of the events, please notify the office via email - here.
Payments for camp are now live for families to process on Compass Course Confirmation/Payments and consent is also required in Compass Events.
Families are asked to please read the information thoroughly to ensure all the correct steps have been followed, particularly if you are choosing to use your School Saving Bonus towards camp.
SSV - State team Trials - Year 5/6
Each year, talented Victorian school students in Year 5 and 6 have an opportunity to trial for a place in the School Sport Victoria (SSV) Team Vic state team and participate in the annual School Sport Australia Championships.
Eligible students must be 12 years of age or under, as of 31 December in the year of the competition. Students turning 9 or 13 are ineligible.
The online registration for cricket, AFL, basketball, soccer and netball is now open and the registration process will close on February 28th, 2025.
Each school is only allowed to endorse a maximum of three students for each sport.
Each student can proceed to register online, but only when the student has received the ok to do so from Mr A and/or Carly.
If more than three students have expressed an interest to participate in the state team trials, we will run trials at school to determine which three students will be nominated from our school.
Please do not register online until you have received confirmation from the school.
Team Vic Trials are not ‘come and try’ events. Schools are required to endorse students with advanced skills and abilities only.
If your child is interested, and you think they qualify, this is what you need to do.
Step 1
Parents must email Mr A at to express an interest in their child being a part of the process.
This email needs to include the child’s name, date of birth and the sport(s) they would like to nominate.
This email must be sent by no later than Friday 7th February.
Step 2
If there are three or less students nominating for a sport, or if a student has been successful when trialling, they and their parents will be notified.
Once receiving notification, parents can then go online to register and pay the non-refundable fee which will be approximately $25.
Entry for all trials for all other sports are via an online nomination through the SSV website
On this website are also the links to documents containing further Team Vic information, the endorsement process and key dates.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions, or require any clarification on any of the above.
Mr A
Year 5/6 Interschool Sport
Interschool Sport commences next week. Please ensure you have processed the consent on Compass so your child can attend.