Student News

St Mary's IDHS Community Garden
We would love it if we could have family members head up to the community garden during the school holidays to support with the watering and you can take any produce that you would like from our garden.
5/6 Biology
Throughout Term 4 the Grade 5/6 students have been learning about the adaptations of plants and animals. Students learnt about how things survive in intense conditions including below freezing temperatures. Last week the students conducting an experiment observing how blubber assists animals to keep warm in the freezing environments that they live in.
The students tested to see how long they can keep their hands in freezing cold water and then compare it to how long they can keep it in the freezing cold water while having their hand covered in lard.
3/4 Biological Sciences
In Inquiry this term, the 3/4 cohort has been looking at different aspects of biological sciences. This week, we have learned how bees help plants and humans through pollination. We conducted an experiment to mimic the action of pollination, we blew up balloon and created static electricity by rubbing them on our heads. We then imitated the pollination action by moving our balloons between two plates of different coloured powder to see how the pollen would spread between two "flowers".
Whole School PE
To finish off our Cricket unit students tried their hand at vision impaired cricket. With the support of Vision Australia providing us with a variety of vision impairment glasses, students tried their hand at play cricket with rattle balls and hitting the balls in a sweeping motion. Great work to all of the students who had a go at this new way of playing cricket.