Catholic Identity

Third Week of Advent: Joy and Hope
The third Sunday of Advent is often referred to as Gaudete Sunday, which comes from the Latin word gaudete, meaning "rejoice." This week, the Church encourages us to focus on the joy that comes from the hope and anticipation of Christ's birth.
The liturgical colour for Gaudete Sunday is rose, symbolising a moment of joy in the midst of our Advent journey. We are reminded that, although Advent is a time of waiting and preparing, it is also a time to rejoice in the promise of Christ’s coming into our lives.
At St. Mary’s, we are also focusing on the ways we can bring joy to others during this Advent season. Our students have been actively involved in community service projects, including supporting the local food bank and preparing good deeds for their KK. These acts of kindness are a way to live out the joy and hope of Advent by sharing God’s love with others.
As we move closer to Christmas, let us remember that true joy is found in Christ. May this week of Advent fill our hearts with hope and joy as we continue our journey towards the celebration of His birth. Let us also take time to reflect on the ways we can bring joy and light to the lives of those around us.
Inglewood Foodbank CHRISTMAS APPEAL:
Christmas can be a very difficult time of year for many, and the basic human rights of food and shelter can often be taken for granted. Food Bank is a charitable organisation that provides food to needy families and senior citizens in many ways. During December, we will be collecting non-perishable food donations in support of this Christmas Appeal. Our collection basket will be located in the classrooms in support of this worthy cause. Together, we can make a difference.
Donation items can include: toiletries, grains and pasta, tinned foods, holiday treats, savoury items, condiments and breakfast cereals.
Donations are due by Friday 13th December