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Year 6 Student Award Winners

At graduation this week, our year 6 award winners were recognised. Congratulations to the following students who deservedly won awards.

English Award - Alexandra Lowe and Willow Fraser

Maths Award -  Connor Dowling and William Gaehl

Arts Award - Isla Edwards and Gabriel Dones

Values Award - Callum Zanker and Rachel Harvey

Leadership Award - Isla Edwards and Louise Schenck

Volunteer Award - Congratulations Ceryle Gaehl

Ceryle has been part of the Para Vista Primary School community for 14 years since her eldest son began preschool. Now with her youngest, William, finishing year 6, she is finally taking off her volunteer hat. In these 14 years, Ceryle has been on Governing Council, both as a general member and also acting as chair. In 2024, she has been our Deputy Chairperson. Ceryle has volunteered in almost any way there is to do so across the school and preschool. This includes supporting with activities in the preschool, attending excursions, undertaking jobs in the library, listening to children read, helping with Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day stalls and responding to any calls for volunteer help that 

were made. Every job that Ceryle took on was done with enthusiasm and thoroughness.

Ceryle thank you for all you have done for our community during these 14 years. We are going to miss having you supporting us as a volunteer but wish you and your family all the best.

We’d also like to acknowledge Ceryle’s mum Anthea who has also volunteered in our school during this time. Anthea also has taken on many roles including helping in the canteen and more recently, supporting Community Hub participants who were learning to sew. We thank Anthea for all of her hard work also and hope she now has some extra time for her interests.

Terrific Kid Award

Congratulations to Chloe Elliott for winning the Terrific Kid Award this term.

Student Leaders

Thank you to all of our student leaders. You have done a fabulous job and we look forward to meeting our new leaders in 2025.

House Winners for the Year

Today we announced the first house to win our House Cup. These are the combined points from Sports Day, Spirit Cup and points won throughout the year.Congratulations to Light. We look forward to seeing who wins next year.