Around the School

Book Week Activities ...Reading is Magic.
We have had a wonderful week celebrating Book Week.
Book week is a national celebration of children’s books, authors and illustrators. The theme this year is ‘Reading is Magic’. Last week for the first hour of everyday students read one of the top nominated picture books for 2024 and completed a matching art activity. This was a wonderful way to begin each morning.
Healthy Living
5 new hens were welcomed with great excitement . They are Plymouth Rock Isa brown cross hens. They are 15 weeks old and should start laying within the next 6 weeks.
Recycled timber pallets needed.
We are planning on making these compost bays and need 10 heat treated pallets. If you have contacts and could help us get them Peter our maintenance man at St Pats will build them.
Calling creative families.
I would love to have a mud kitchen built at school for children who love to 'cook up a storm' at recess. If you know anyone who could build something like this we would be so happy! Please let us know if a family/ grandparent/ relative would like a project. contact the school office if you can help. Thanks in advance.
Indonesian Independence Day celebrations.
Students in F-6 took part in the traditional game of 'Makan Krupuk' (Rice Cracker Eating) to mark the important date of Indonesian Independence Day. They had a lot of fun trying to eat these crackers without their hands!
Our Marble Maze Challenge
After much planning and exploring designs our junior students have begun to work on the following challenge.
Their maze MUST
- Take at least 10 seconds to solve
- Have one dead end
- Requires tilt to move the marble
- Have a theme.
Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal.
Your donations are greatly appreciated. Our breakfast items will be passed on to
St Vinnies this Friday.
School Wide Positive Behaviours
We show RESPECT during transitions when we
- move quietly between spaces.
- line up before entering/exiting the classroom.
We show RESPONSIBILITY when we
- are punctual to learning tasks/activities.
- go directly to our next task.
- follow the educator’s directions.
We promote SAFETY when we
- walk inside
- keep to the left when walking through the hallways
- only enter a learning space when a staff member is present.
- look out for others.
Daniel was our lucky recipient of a free lunch order for demonstrating being RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE and SAFE while TRANSITIONING last week.
SRC Book Stall
The SRC raised $119 during Book Week selling our preloved Library and will meet today to choose some special books to purchase from the funds.
Father's Day Events
Father's Day Breakfast
Today we had a beautiful morning celebrating our Father's and those special people in our lives. Thank you to our Parents and Friends group for your splendid catering and organisation. Who doesn't love an egg and bacon roll with one of your favorite people before school!
School Disco
Another Successful School disco ran by our Parents and Friends!
Thank you to everyone involved in the organizing and running of the event.