From the Principal

Dear families,
It continues to be a bustling hub of activity at St Patrick's. This morning was another great celebration for our school, especially for our fathers, but also a great way of connecting. The support offered by our P&F has been phenomenal, and I can't thank you enough for your organisation and commitment to maintaining such a connect school community. We wish all our fathers, grandfathers and father-figures a happy father's day for this Sunday.
Tomorrow is Kate Mahon's final day before her maternity leave commences. As Kate begins her maternity leave, we want to extend our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to her and her family. We are so excited for them and can’t wait to meet the newest member of their family!
Yesterday we welcomed Jenny Harbour to our teaching team. Jenny has made a great start, is incredibly enthusiastic and looking forward to supporting the students of F/1AM on a Thursday and Friday for the remainder of the year.
Our new Behaviour Blitz focuses on building student's awareness of being respectful and responsible learners when the regular classroom teacher is away and when specialist subjects are running. This can often be a challenge for both staff and students alike as there can be a change in routine and expectations. Through our implementation of School Wide Positive Behaviour Support in 2024, we are more and more mindful and committed to maintaining consistent responses to addressing behaviours - acknowledging the positives and re-teaching expected behaviours.
For the next few weeks, students will demonstrate that they can be well-mannered, listen to and follow instructions and participate in learning activities respectfully, responsibly and safely.
These students were 'caught' being positive role models, demonstrating expected behaviour with all teachers.
Upcoming Leave
In a couple of weeks time I will be on leave as I join some of my principal colleagues on a Spiritual Heritage Pilgrimage to Ireland. The pilgrimage is led by Fr Justin and focusses on the heritage of the Ballarat Diocese. At the conclusion of the Pilgrimage I will be taking a week's long service leave. During this time (15th September - 15th October) Thea will be acting principal - so the school is being left in the very best of hands.
Changes to our Spelling Approach
As a result of the positive impact of PLD (Promoting Literacy Development) on student learning in the Junior School, we have made a commitment towards implementing PLD school-wide. This will replace gradually replace the classroom practice of utilising Spelling Mastery.
Our middle and senior teachers will begin using the PLD approach to teaching ‘word skills’ - spelling/vocab/reading - after completion of training and by the start of Term 4.
This week on SchoolTV you will find a special report about Father's Day.
SPECIAL REPORT: Celebrating Father's Day
Over the centuries, the role of fathers has evolved. During the industrial revolution, fathers were more detached, spending long hours working in factories, whilst mothers took on the role of primary socialiser and educator of children. Men tended to show their love and devotion from a distance, choosing to leave the child rearing to their wives.
Today things have changed dramatically with many Dads being celebrated for being sensitive, caring and more hands-on. Research has shown that the amount of time fathers are now spending teaching, helping and playing with their children, has trebled. This has transformed our understanding of how fathers shape their children’s lives from the start, challenging conventional ideas of parenthood and gender.
Fathers who involve themselves in physical activity with their children, play a key role in influencing them to learn self-control, face challenges, regulate emotions and take manageable risks. However, to be a great Dad, you need to also indulge in a little self-care and look after your own mental health. This allows you to be more responsive to your child’s needs, and engage more readily in play and learning activities.
If you are a Dad and struggling a little bit, it is advisable to seek help from a medical professional. Or, if you just want to talk to someone who understands, you can call one of the following organisations.
In Australia, phone MensLine on 1300 78 99 78 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36.
Click on the link below to access a wealth of videos, articles, and resources on the aforementioned topic.
All Editions | St Patrick's School - Ballarat (
Kind regards,
Ben Shields