School News

“First Communion,” Francis said, “is, above all, a celebration. We celebrate Jesus, who wants to remain always by our side.” - Pope Francis
St Mary’s Book Fair
Tuesday 20th to Monday 26th August,2024
As a part of this year’s Book Week activities the school library will once again provide a fabulous range of books for sale at the annual Book Fair
The purchasing of books will commence on Tuesday 20th and continue until Monday 26th August, 2024.
Books may be purchased between 8.30am – 8.45am every morning and again in the afternoon between 3.15pm-3.30pm.
Students will have the opportunity to view the books for sale prior to Tuesday and fill out a wish list of the books that they would like to and may be able to purchase.
Payment of books can be made either online or at the school library via cash or eftpos.
As usual, a percentage of total sales goes towards purchasing new books for the school library for all to enjoy.
We are looking forward to seeing the school community during St Mary’s fabulous Book Week activities and Book Fair.
This week we have enjoyed Science Week and participated in some activities related to animal adaptations. Thank you to Charlotte, Eliza’s Mum for joining and teaching us all about how penguins survive in such cold environments. Blythe explored the way animals use camouflage to mask their location, identity and movement. Mrs Cotter looked at the unique adaptation of wombats who produce cube-shaped poo. We made and ate somecubed falafel.
PE News
We had some beautiful sunny weather this week for our PE sessions. All students have been refining their skipping skills-such a great, fun way to warm up, exercise and show off some of your skills and tricks! Grade F/1 students have been enjoying some fun games aimed at building their fundamental motor skills whilst also fostering team work. Following two weeks of tennis focussed sport sessions, our Grade 2-6 students have been enjoying playing cricket whilst developing further their bowling and batting skills. Coming up, Grades 3-6 will be attending our Term 3 District Sports Day on Friday 6th September. Grades 3 and 4 students will be attending both a cricket and tennis clinic on that day whilst our Grade 5 and 6 students have chosen either cricket or tennis and will compete in that sport against other schools on the day. Please look out for the permission form which will be released via PAM soon.
Clare Grainger
PE Teacher
Year 4/5/6
On Monday morning the Year 4/5/6 students engaged in an exciting excursion to the Discovery Centre in Bendigo. The trip had been highly anticipated by the students and did not disappoint. The excursion was filled with wonder and discovery as all 4/5/6 students explored the various exhibits at the Discovery Centre.
A highlight for most students was the Marble Run workshop, led by Tara from the Discovery Centre, whereby all students were able to design and create their very own marble run.
We were also able to explore and participate in the exhibits within the Discovery Centre and, if willing, brave the Vertical Slide. Well done to all 4/5/6 students in their participation, a great day was had by all.
Science News
It has been an exciting week this week-Science Week! Students from Grade 2-6 enjoyed a wonderful, hands on excursion to The Discovery Centre in Bendigo whilst Grade F/1 students enjoyed some fun, hands on science activities in their classroom.
Have you had the opportunity to try one of the science experiments sent home earlier this week? Why not take the opportunity to engage in the wonder of science at home with your child!
Don’t forget we have some great science week activities based on this year’s theme “Species Survival-More than just Sustainability” available in the well-being space at school. Some students have already started/taken some of these. There is still time next week. Please pass any tasks you have completed onto Clare by next Thursday 22nd August.
Clare Grainger
Science Teacher
2025 enrolments
We look forward to welcoming all new 2025 Foundation students next year but don’t forget to enrol first. If you’re wishing to enrol your child next year, enrolling early really supports our school wide planning for the best possible start for our young people. The more info we have about 2025, the better planned we can be. If you have new neighbours with kids, make sure you encourage them to join our school!
Upcoming Events:
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the upcoming events on the Calendar.
As always, we encourage parents and guardians to stay updated with school news and events by regularly checking Seesaw and following us on social media.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support and involvement in our vibrant school community!
Warm regards,