Religious Education News

Term 3 - Week 5
Jesus, I believe You are truly present in the Eucharist. Help me to live out that truth in my life.
Gospel Reading: John 6:41-51
My great-grandmother was one of the most influential people in my life. She taught me how to sew, crochet, make hospital corners on beds, make gnocchi, and other important life skills. She also taught me how to love. I am blessed to have a few of her possessions: a Singer sewing machine, the very one I learned to sew on; and some jewelry, in particular, a pair of earrings. The other day, I wanted to feel close to her; there were some difficult things I had to do, so I wore the earrings. Whenever I reached up to touch them, I saw her face.
Jesus leaves us with a gift of far greater value: the gift of Himself in the Eucharist. Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel is full of how much we are loved and cared for by our Father. God knew that we needed something tangible to remind us of Jesus. And the gift is not only seen and felt but taken into our very body and becomes a part of us. Jesus touches us with the gift of the Eucharist.
Whatever we are facing, whatever we need – the Eucharist is our answer for strength, courage, reassurance – it is Jesus. He is the living bread that gives us eternal life. In the Eucharist, we have the hope that one day we will be with God and all the saints in heaven, all those we love who have gone before us.
When Jesus says, “I am the bread of life," we can rest in that truth. What else is necessary? Believe Jesus is the Son of God and that He is present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the living bread that gives us life.
By the Catholic Mom Website - Holy Cross Ministries
Wk | Date | Details | Time |
3 | Wed 31/7 | First Communion (Gr4) Information Meeting | 3.30 - 4.15pm |
4 | Sun 4/8 | First Communion Commitment Mass (Gr4) | 10.30am |
4 | Wed 7/8 | Whole School Mass | 9.15am |
5 | Sun 11/8 | School Parish Mass & St Mary’s Parish 170th Anniversary Year celebrations. Mass followed by a High Tea Lunch in the hall. | 10.30am |
6 | Wed 14/8 | Candidates First Communion Preparation (Gr4): Confession & Practice in Church | 11.40am |
6 | Thurs 15/8 | School Parish Mass - The Assumption of Mary | 9.15am |
7 | Sun 18/8 | Sacrament First Communion Mass - Luncheon celebration in the school hall. | 10.30am |
8 | Fri 30/8 | Fathers Day Breakfast & Class Liturgy | 7.30am |
9 | Sun 8/9 | School Parish Mass | 10.30am |
10 | Wed 11/9 | End of Term Whole School Feast Day Mass - Most Holy Name of Mary Day and school Feast Day celebrations. | 9.15am |
Please Note: All are welcome to our Masses. If you would like to join us in any of these celebrations you are most welcome.
*Children’s Liturgy:
The Kids’ Bulletin for Sunday August 11th, 2024
*Parish Newsletter:
Consider how you have seen the benefits of receiving the Eucharist in your own life.
For all questions St Mary’s Faith & Family related please email